Division 2 has matchmaking for everything, I have maxed everything, never been in a clan, which shows it is easily possible for bungie to introduce, but they wont, as an aside, I have quit Destiny, 10,000 hours in total, HIGHLY RECOMMEND DIVISION 2 ...... Leave Bungie to drown in their own shit game ..
just checked out Division 2 - thanks for the recommendation. This will be my last season with Destiny... paid for the stupid thing so i'll try to get some kinda money's worth out of it but I don't see myself bothering to finish it
Same, huge financial and time investment, have the annual pass etc, but seriously, the pain of losing out on that investment compared to the pain of playing Destiny, easier to quit now tbh .. IF YOU DECIDE TO PICK UP DIVISION 2, FEEL FREE TO ADD ME, MORE THAN HAPPY TO HELP WITH YOUR EARLY RUNNING. GT as above.
I would second taking a look at Division 2. I bought it a few weeks ago when there was a $3 offer. I haven't stopped playing it since. I can't say I won't play Destiny again but it may be a while.