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originally posted in: Solo players Can’t progress
3/16/2020 2:30:34 PM
I disagree. joining a clan is beyond simple. there are tons of active clans with many players you can play with. for the elephant in the room, there seems to be many players who pretend they don't have time, why don't you join together? making excuses never gets you time nor accomplishment, find one of the many better ways. your second paragraph describes a stubbornness, not a lack of time. the same stubbornness that holds "solo" players back, and prevents you from finding a game that could actually suit your playing needs. a total unwillingness to adapt. get over it and move forward be it here or a new game, you'll thank yourself for it. before you spout some dumb ass kid shit, my children are likely older than you going by your touted played Halo line. stop being ignorant and take responsibility for you holding you back.

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