Nope, game is an online only multiplayer, main content is always fireteam required whether through matchmaking or finding your own team. If you are not likeable enough for others to play with you, or, to stupid/lazy/arrogant/ignorant to find a team then that’s your fault for not playing the game how it’s meant to be played. Good luck in a raid solo unless your better than redeem etc, good luck in trials 1 v 3. Said enough, peasants will always be peasants.
Nope. Game is both a single player game and a multiplayer game. End of discussion. Good night. Turn out the lights when you leave.
I think the lights have already been turned out in your head so no need to turn them off before stepping out of your delusional mind 🤦♂️ definitely a Millen. Multiplayer solos, the sjw’s of the gaming industry, probably call yourself they next.
You couldn't be further from the truth. Based on your use of an emoji, your improper use of abbreviations, and your horrid sentence structure; I'd definitely say that you're Gen Zzzzzz. Your comment/insult was so nonsensical, I can't even get upset or offended. I actually tried to work up some feeling about it, but nope.... I can't. Anyways, stupidity is not a crime so you are free to go.
Wow, you say I didn’t strike a nerve as such but clearly did. There must be some fire in Australia or blind man crossing a road that you could be helping instead of policing the forums. Do you feel some sort of way boy? Woop Woop, sjw police said I’m free to go, haha, any message I post on here being used by yourself to judge me for judging others means the hypocrisy of your post would probably go over your head. Oh and I was born before 1990 Mr Boomer.
Replying to someone isn't an indication of "striking a nerve". Calling out someone's stupidity, again, isn't an indication of "striking a nerve". It's pointing out a flaw in that person. Protip: punctuation is a sign of understanding the English language; particularly grammar. Its use helps the reader understand the point the writer is making. In your jumbled mess, I honestly can't grasp what you're trying to convey, "boy". In fact, it appears that I've... what term do you pre-pubescents' use these days?... umm, "triggered" you. Yes, that's it. So, wait. You say you were born before 1990. That means you are at least 30 years old. Thirty years old and you post tripe like you just did? Your parents deserve a large part of their taxes back because it's obvious the school system failed you. On top of that, if what you say is true (I completely doubt it. You're probably 13 and stuck at home due to the Coronavirus issue) you insulted yourself in your comment above. [quote] "definitely a Millen. Multiplayer solos, the sjw’s of the gaming industry, probably call yourself they next."[/quote] You, by your own words, state that you were born before 1990. That MAKES you, in fact, a Millennial. Nice self-own. I'm not entirely sure what your issue is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
Edited by JT-Rex-: 3/17/2020 9:29:08 PMJust because In your sense I am a millenial due to when I was born, I’m using the term millenial as an insult acting like someone from my generation who would act like that. More of a stereotype yeah. And I’ll keep this next sentence off paragraph and spell cos like this just cos you love grading English papers or summin, I’m not sure. 2 mins a time a few times a day I might reply to someone, share a laugh, give a tip, maybe even a little troll but some times there’s always someone like you pop up, Mr serious, you perfect pal, your dream to work as some type of authority? If you loosen up a bit that nerve should unpinch itself dude. Damn, what a nice wall of text : - “[i]I made this for you[/i]” - Shaxx
[quote]Funny story: Remember that Centurion Oryx took right after you landed on the Dreadnaught, then the Centurion and the taken Ogre tried to stop you from killing the King? Heh... didn't work. So the Centurion's bond brothers are pretty angry they lost their commander. They're leading a team to blow up the Dreadnaught's core. Core goes... most of the system goes with it. You're going to make sure that doesn't happen.[/quote]