So let’s all agree here that if Bungie used the designs I’m about to show for the new race behind “The Pyrmids” then I’m pretty sure we’re going to be pretty damn happy.
Also check my second post in the comments for more examples
New Update here’s the link for the ideas we’ve come up with so far! Thank you for your feedback <3
<I'm honestly expecting them to be human. The statue, the labyrinth patterns, the odd fascination with our species. It all adds up in an odd way. That or they are human-like, like the Engineers from Prometheus. Whatever they are, they are deadly similar to us. Not exactly a mirror, but an ancient form, something either much older than our minds can comprehend, or something old enough to be remembered if not stricken from records. There's also the other race of entities, a Dark-borne race that deflects Light. Hmm... A war organized by God and its angels, and fought by the eldritch. Hell, the Hive are a twisted version of Christianity, it'd only make sense for the Pyramid Armada to be a twisted heaven... is that it? I'm sorry OP, I have nothing to say about the post... but I've just gotten some ideas. In a way I thank everyone who's been theorizing about the Deep, aspects fuel my grand theory.>