Well, thats it. Could play for like 4 days without problems and now I just cant.
Tried a lot of things, now the game wont crash telling me I need to verify the files, but just wont go into any of the maps, it just flyes forever (literally I took a shower, made coffee and toasts and came back and just kept flying, not crashing, but there) and if I wanna see my inventory or something while flying into another map just wont load either.
I did lots of things, this is the list that someone posted on reddit:
Having more than 300+ Steam friends may result in crashing at startup patched
Uninstall Blizzard/Battlenet version of Destiny 2
Check that *\Steam\SteamApps\common\Destiny 2* is not set to read only
Delete the files sku_config.txt, steam_app_id.txt and destiny2.exe in *\Steam\SteamApps\common\Destiny 2* and use Steam option Verify Integrity of Game Files
Steam version does not currently support long / special characters in usernames, clan names, clan tags, clan motto and or clan description patched
Clearing download cache may help https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3134-TIAL-4638&l=
Do not run Destiny 2 as administrator, results in Invalid Steam Configuration error.
GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.dll error at https://redd.it/79m3mh, copy GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.dll to *\SteamApps\common\Destiny 2*
Delete CVARS as described at https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46407
Add Destiny 2 folder and its executables to any security software exclusion list
Check that Destiny 2 is set to use the high performance graphics card
Windows 10 1803 or later - https://www.howtogeek.com/351522/how-to-choose-which-gpu-a-game-uses-on-windows-10/
Nvidia - http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2615/kw/optimus/related/1
AMD - https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/DH-017.aspx
Virtual memory limitations may result in failure to load / crashes at startup
Make sure MS Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable x64 Package and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.7 are installed
Destiny 2 may not launch if it detects any overlays, injectors or software running that it deems could compromise Destiny 2
Bungie (Cozmo): Third-party applications that aren’t compatible with Destiny 2 may cause the game to not run - https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/236577699?sort=0&page=0&path=1
Examine the Destiny 2 crash log, paste the following into a windows file explorer path bar and press enter
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\Destiny 2\
and look in crash_folder\pc_x64 folders for crash_info / crash_info,txt
I did all of those and now it doesnt crash as I said, but now it just keeps flying forever and ever...
Any gambit, strike or crucible I start searched for guardians, ready the ship, starts flying (for a long time) then black screen.
I also reinstalled the game!... :( (edit, after 4 days I already reinstalled it three times)
ALSO, I just saw in Game History here on BUNGIE and it says I visited all the places I tried going, and that I also won the gambit game I wanted to play but couldnt.
Two days ago I was playing just fine, with minor crashes that wouldnt happen twice in an hour, or maybe twice but was ok.. I really like the game, what am I supposed to do? it´s making me sad for real...
Dude I have the same problem, or I crash or it still flying forever and i can't see anything in inventory, in the map or in the menu. I can Only go on Tower and in pvp.