I've seen some artists on here who give some pretty good advice and I was wondering if you could look over my drawings in the video and give any suggestions to improve.
Some of them are over a year old some are newer. It's mainly horses but towards the end there's some Destiny stuff.
I also noticed that #2 pencil is shiny on the first one.
Thank you!
Edit: made then them
Edit #2: I also draw birds but I send them to my grandmother (the one who's still alive)
Nice, I myself have never drawn anything yet I know that shading makes art look better, that’s all that I can even say about them, you sir are a fine artist, one day you’ll probably be as good as Picasso or Bob Ross
“A horse” - You know who _________________________________________ Got some real good art, bud! Keep at it!
Bumpy! :P
Value and Texture
I like them. I think the only criticism I have for the horses are the proportions seem a little off sometimes. It’s been many a year since I’ve attempted to draw a horse and lemme say, I never achieved anything close to what you’ve got so good work and keep it up. I think the background could use a little more attention. With colored pencils especially, people tend to get bored since the back always takes a while. If you’ve got the patience for it, I think some closer attention to detail and a great deal more shading could come a long way If you ever find yourself struggling to get stuff like depth or general background detail, there is no shame in tracing out some landscape from a photo until you get comfortable enough to create your own. I used to do it all the time with watercolors. Good effort man. You can really see the improvement in your drawings. Please never stop and I’d love to see some future artwork! Also I’m seeing a lot of people saying the colors are too blocky, but that could contribute to your art style so long as you add more depth and various contrasting colors. Even shadows don’t NEED to be blended out unless you feel like it.
Edited by gitsum771: 3/28/2020 7:36:34 AMI cant provide advice, since I dont draw that often, but that first one is awesome.
You could work on your shading. Your drawings look a little flat in terms of tone - not a lot of shadow and light.
Someone get Lee in here.
What colored pencils are you using? If your not already using them, prisma color pencils are the best imo. Also if your really serious about it you could try copic markers for a different color medium. They’re insanely expensive tho but they do look really nice.
Well your horses are great. I don’t think there’s any criticism. Maybe add a little shading? I’ve found it adds a lot of detail and makes drawings pop. I’d love to see more though. I love the horses that are moving the best, a drawing always looks best in motion and you’ve got that down really well.
Someones been playing too much red dead.
I can see some improvements in your horse drawings later on in the video but you can benefit from learning correct horse anatomy, get comfortable with deconstructing the horse body parts that would eventually guide you to do better poses. if you want to make your drawings look cleaner either pick up inking or change your method of stroking with the hb2 pencil.
Edited by Sylver: 3/28/2020 12:45:06 AMFirst off it'd be good to know whether you're drawing from photographs or not.
Proportions are a wee bit wonk, you could tighten up your shading techniques, and you should practice setting up perspectives. And this is more of a personal preference, but I’d stay very far away from using colored pencils. Very, very far away.
Is that Epona from OoT?
Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 3/27/2020 10:41:45 PM[url=https://dogpatch.press/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/31-sorry-to-bother-you-equisapien.w700.h467.jpg]Can you sketch this?[/url]
If you can send me some individual images instead of a video I can try to give some advice. Drawing’s not my best field, though, so it’s perfectly possible you’re better than me.
Dont be afraid to transition to digital. Otherwise you'll end up with 50 different pencils, erasers, smudgers and jet black fingers...
Extremely shameful self bump. End me now!