And I'm sure this is all completely relative to the player, but I feel like as soon as I hit between 4600 - 4800 I just can't compete anymore. My hands just cannot do the same thing as these people who can so easily nab headshots with snipers and in general move with such fluidity around the map.
I consider myself a decent-to-good player, but at this point I think I'm just wasting my damn time thinking that it'd ever be possible for me to hit Legend. My glory hit 4950 today, but it feels like there's just an invisible wall over my head named elo. No matter how many hours I pour into this goal of reaching Legend, I just fail and fail and fail.
Obviously I could get a carry, but to me that goes against the purpose of the whole thing in the first place.
Is anyone else in the same place as me here, or has previously been in my shoes but maybe gotten over the hump?
At this point I've just gotten so damn burnt out, it's making me want to quit Destiny altogether.
Yes it definitely is possible, but you need a bit of luck! Couple of seasons ago I dedicated some time in getting it done, and to my surprise I did! Keeping the streak up is key; once you hit 5, you can get away with 66% win ratio and make steady progress. So losses aren't the end of the world... may seem like it, but you gotta take the rough with the smooth. Attitude is also key, feeling negative after a first round stomp (easy to do) will pretty much guarantee the loss - keeping a positive attitude might help turn it around and put doubts in the opposite team! Likewise, there is no value on adding additional pressure on a game (if you lost the previous 1/2, for example). Try and go in clear headed or take a break until you are. Player support; later in the ranks I'd take a step back in my usual playstyle and play a support role (freelance) - I'd see where my team were heading and either flank or provide cover fire. Renegade can be a lottery; you just can't be certain which way the game will go! I had much more luck being the person who adapted to the team. Last season I wasn't so lucky, I got to mythic 2 and hit a wall... I don't think I had the mental capacity to do it two seasons running; it was a tough nut for me to crack! I think I was more desperate to get it done 2nd time around, so lost focus on what worked for me the 1st time.