I’ve been playing a good amount of trials this weekend, and I’ve gotta day that this hard light buff is a little absurd. It took me a while to realize it, but I see why people are getting pissed off, including myself. Does anybody else agree that this should be addressed for a possible nerf? I mean I love that auto rifles are now relavent, but this seems like they gave it too much love... 😬
I'm fairly new to destiny but holy crap all I see in Crucible is hardlight. I'm not the best at Crucible but most of the time if there's only like 1 person using hardlight I can normally deal with it but I've seen people in the same clan all using hardlight. Literally 4/6 people on the enemy team all using hardlight and there's really not much you can do against that. Even just random people being put together in Crucible I'm rarely in a match without hardlight being used by my teammates or enemies. All I'm saying is nerf it somehow it's a real problem, I refuse to ever use hardlight in Crucible because it's so broken.