What video game special move or ability do you enjoy using the most?
It could be from any kind of game, like fighting games, rpgs, action games etc.
Weapons don’t count, unless the weapon has a special ability other than shooting and slashing.
Some of my favorites are the Nova Bomb from Density, the Sith Warrior’s Obliterate ability from SWTOR and Thoron from the Fire Emblem series and Smash Bros.
[spoiler]Fades Away[/spoiler]
I feel dumb, I can’t believe I forgot to mention Squigly’s Daisy Pusher! You trip the enemy into a grave, and then after burying them, their coffin falls from the sky and smashes into pieces. Why this is a great move should be self explanatory! (still not my absolute favorite, but it definitely deserves an honorable mention)