Long time Destiny player, First time posting! 2 seasons ago I set the goal of getting the Unbroken seal, especially with the introduction of the exciting freelance playlist - as I am a solo player. I love PvP, I’ve worked hard and hold a 1.4KDA, and I reached Legend in the last 2 seasons. I’m currently stuck in Mythic 2, and even though I’m so close, I don’t think I want to put myself through this grind anymore.
The Glory system is fundamentally broken. Requiring win streaks to progress — not evaluations of performance— is the most soul-crushing progression I’ve ever seen. Especially when it’s not uncommon to load in with uneven teams, have teammates leave, network errors (beaver, anteater, “insert animal here”), matchmake with teammates ranked much lower than I. It’s maddening to me that this hasn’t been addressed, that any of these problems out of my control will result in a loss, forfeit my streak, lower my rank, and undo literal hours of work. It makes me feel cursed.
And furthermore, if the rank system is not used to determine skill, and instead of a secret back end skill rating is, what is the point of the penalizing me Glory points on losses? Why not adopt the Gambit system and reward points on wins and nothing on losses?
It really sucks, I’m so close to my goal of the Unbroken seal, but it no longer feels worth it to punish myself through this process. This game should be fun, and the game itself IS fun, but this arbitrary pointless grind is not.
Requires win streaks but then forces a 50/50 win/lose ratio. It's pure genius if you have no brain and don't think about it.