I know, I know. Season of the Worthy isn't over yet. But I've seen a lot of stuff regarding the future of destiny, and it's fun to speculate.
So what can we possibly see?
So, I've seen a lot of stuff regarding SIVA being the next "big" thing to occur in the game. Now this is all based on leaks, which I'll talk about, but possible spoiler warning if you have yet to see it:
[spoiler]So, Ginsor and JPdeathblade leaked some stuff from the files in the game. Return of Felwinter with numerous mentions to SIVA, and that we'll have to kill them both. However, something interesting about the ornament is the decor half way up the gun; weird medallions, very much akin to what we see in the promotional artwork, but it kind of reminds me of the totems Eris covered the weapons and Dreambane armour in; so I kinda think it's gonna be a nightmare battle, but this is just the ornament so obviously, so what exactly will happen, and if it will happen, remains to be seen.[/spoiler]
Personally, I don't think SIVA will show up as the plot for a whole season, and if it does, it won't be central focus, but rather a tool of the enemy of the season.
Personally, Cabal based Expansion seems unlikely. We've had Cabal enemy centered seasons twice in a row, and whilst I heavily think Season 11 will shed light on more of their lore, just as we've seen recently, I expect there to be little emphasis on them. I believe the next major appearence they'll have is when a new leader rises up and tries to attack Sol; probably Avocate General, Umun'Arrath, the Primus of all Legions, under the orders of the current Cabal Leader, Caityl.
[b]Forsaken themes/story plots:[/b]
So, year 3 (of year 6 if you will) has so far taken a plot thread from the first year of Destiny 2 and rolled with trying to build upon it. Undying was the Pyramids and their effects (obviously paired with shadowkeep), Dawn was Saint-14 and bringing him back, and Worthy is the Warmind/City relationship being developed and building towards more of an alliance on respect for one another, rather than mutual ideals/plans (protecting Humanity).
Following this theme, it's possible that we'll see a new season that focuses on either the Lightbarer Uldren has become, the Dreaming City curse, or both. Personally I believe it will be one of the latter two, but it could easily be about Uldren all the same.
It's also possible that the season will take another aspect of Forsaken, maybe the constantly resurrecting Fikrul and use him as the big bad for the season, in which we must stop him from doing something or other. But again, this remains to be seen.
[b]Possible appearance of a new character:[/b]
So, I won't lie. This is kinda why I wanted to make this post in the first place. To anyone who remembers back during Season of the Undying, someone pointed out an IMDb listing for Saint-14. obviously, this was before we even knew about what Season of Dawn would include; and the listing was quickly removed not long after.
Well, if we return to the IMDb page for Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, we find 4 voice actors/actresses. Lennie James (Shaxx), Morla Gorrondona (Eris), Brian T. Delaney (Saint-14) and Zehra Fazal as an uncredited voice. Now, it's highly possible that she merely provided the voice of background characters such as the voice of Mia van der Venne from the recent Io bunker scene. However, the it's possible that we'll see her voice used for a character, maybe Aunor, maybe someone else (It would also be interesting to see if the listing is changed/removed if this gets further traction like the Saint-14 listing did).
Savathun is an enemy that has been set up for years now. Personally, and hopefully, she will be the next major threat, and play some big role in season 11, and the Autumn expansion.
Hopefully it will either result in her final death, or lead to a year of us hunting her down and ending all of her schemes for good.
[b]Pre-release lore records?:[/b]
Before every major event (new Season/expansion) we get new Pre-release stuff about the background lore somewhat relevant to the event, E.g. Legacy parts 1 & 2 showing us what Ana has been up to since Warmind or Osiris and the Seed, which (spoiler for Trials and Tribulations) [spoiler]results in Mara telling Vance to tell Osiris to plant.[/spoiler]
Obviously, I don't think we can really pinpoint what will be said in future Pre-releases, but we could possibly see one showing an interaction between Osiris and Toland (100% want that), Saint-14 and Mithrax meeting, and maybe something on Uldren if we get a Forsaken themed season. But those are again, just speculations.
Personally, I'm quite hopeful for the next 6 months of destiny, especially where the lore and story are going, and would love to know how people think it will go also.
Edit: people are bringing up the leaks about Destiny 2: Collapse. Those are fake, someone on that Reddit thread proved it.
Edit 2: well that previous edit lasted well.
I just need more Variks, spider and Mithrax and I’ll be happy. [spoiler]and wet[/spoiler]
in Destiny2 you get bore , not lore :D
I’m putting my money on The Stranger making an appearance
Not sure what they have planned for next season, but the way I see it, there are the following storylines outstanding: The Darkness - not expecting anything clever here, just a big fight to see who comes out on top Savathun/Xivu Arath - personally I’d think savathun would be smart enough to avoid the light vs dark conflict and swoop in once it’s over to conquer the weakened victor. I think She’ll work with Xivu Arath using her and her war moons as the muscle of any operation. I’m also hoping for some Game of Thrones level plot twist, like ikora was Savathun all along Mara/Uldren/Dreaming City - will probably be spread out over many season, but not really sure where Bungie will go with this Calus/The Cabal - Calus has a daughter somewhere that wants him dead, and he seems quite fond of us so I suspect there is another story here once the Darkness has been defeated. Hoping we get the Cabal homeworld as a patrol zone. The fallen - either ally with them or brutally birder their entire civilisation already! The Vex - also need stopping... although how you go about stopping a time travelling puddle infused murderbot is anyone’s guess The Stranger - I don’t have time to explain this one... 🙄 Think that’s everything? Siva was kind of cool, but it’s ran its course so no need to bring it back
If the case that we kill Savathun, I would like to see Quria become free and infest the vex network with taken. And the following seasons will be spent exploring how the Rapid spread of taken and vex throughout the system is affecting the hive, fallen, and cabal. In that same scenario, we could kill Savathun in the Raid, but Xivu Arath escapes and leads the hive on a conquest to fight Quria’s Taken/Vex invasions throughout different points in time.
You all know what I'm gonna say
If Luke Smith is still in Charge then Disappointment and The End is definitely in Destinys future.
The only updates or refreshes that will happen is eververse
Have you read the new new leak?
The Forsaken story will finish itself off Season 11, then we going to Venus for Season 12. It's no coincidence that the power gap naturally passes through the 999 power this season. That Truth to Power Savathun Easter Egg, was supposed to be for this season and lead into the next.
I’m thinking Savathun has to be dealt with sooner rather then later, probably at the conclusion of the Dreamjng City. Because we still have Xivu to deal with.
How about this Guardians split into 2 Guardian of the light and Guardian of the dark. That shluld spice the lore up a bit
BUGS ...more and more bugs.
For me if they want to go the Forsaken wrap up route I require the Curse is actually broken or we at least figure out how to break it, we discover Uldren has been resurrected at the very least to set up a meeting in a larger story based expansion and that Toland starts speaking to us more about the Witch-Queen’s plans and the all too close Pyramid Armada.