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Edited by Warlock Holmes: 4/13/2020 5:16:04 PM

Research in Red Part 2: Into the Mist.

[spoiler]second time writing this spoiler. Ok so here is a sequel to my latest story in the offtopic roleplaying universe. Enjoy if you wish and remember I am only mortal so I extend my apology to any mistake I make. Here is a link to the first part. Also if you don’t like these stories than don’t read them it’s that simple. [/spoiler] About a hour earlier from the journal of Sir John Watson It had been a while since I fell through that trap door and confronted vampires. Afterward I found myself in a labyrinth of old stone walls and dust. Many monsters of the likes of vampires attacked me although I can say they are no more. Unfortunately the gear for vampire hunting is all but gone. I haven’t heard a word from Holmes recently the wizard is probably getting himself into all sorts of trouble. I found myself by a set of big wooden doors which have been dedicatedly carved with images of bats and moons. The doors themselves are almost a image of a skull. After trying to knock and open the doors to avail I decided to use other solutions. I backed off before running into the doors with my shoulder. With my exceptional strength the doors have heed and broke open enough for myself to climb through. On the other side I found a huge great hall. A set of stained glass windows lay shattered on the other side of the room and the pale moonlight flooded through the area. There where four pillars, Although only three still stood, holding up the roof that was too high for my liking. Around the room where broken remains of furniture and the walls where scorched with arcane blast. A huge organ was set in the wall underneath the broken glass. Finally, in the middle of the room stood my friend Warlock Holmes uttering some spell under his breath. “Well Watson you look worse for wear. What happened, picked a fight with a washing machine did you?” The wizard asked. Although his use of washing machine was really a personal jest and less of the actual terminology. “I’m glad to see your ok too” I said a little bitterly and more than a little sarcastically. “How did you get here? I had to crawl my way through hordes of monsters!” “I teleported” “And you didn’t think to bring me?” “Of course not” Holmes said. “I had no choice. He brought me here. The professor the vampire we where fighting.” “I see. Judging by the room I can tell you fought him here. It’s a shame really the stained glass probably looked so masterful.” “Watson that vampire is no mere simple spawn. More powerful than most I hath seen in my days. Even with my arcane strength I want able to best it. Although it fled through that window. To where I don’t know but I am weary. I suggest we head back to Baker Street to puzzle this out” my companion spoke and I gave a nod of agreement. With that my friend turned and walked away from the manor. I followed but I saw something out of the corner of my eyes. Along the stone walls was a group of bricks that when I squinted almost looked like a door. I walked over to examine it but almost immediately the door disappeared. “Are you coming?” I heard Holmes voice call out and I decided to follow. Later that night I found myself at our little apartment on the streets of offtopic. I entered the doors and Holmes began to follow but he suddenly froze in contemplation. “Are you coming Holmes?” I asked “Can I?” Holmes said with a look of confusion “Watson where are we?” “Holmes this is your own house of course you can come in!” I said instinctively but instantly realized my mistake. Suddenly my longsword was in my hands as I backed away from the creature that masked itself as my friend. Holmes, or at least what looked like him, smiled reveling two sharp fangs and his eyes where aglow with fiery light. “Why thank you for the invitation Watson. It is very kind of you to invite your friends in.” The vampire spoke as it walked through the door. I readied my sword and under my breath I sighed, “Holmes what have you done.” [spoiler]Forgot to mark this as a question so I can mark the second part as a answer. There is also a little but I hath not the room so I shall post it in a separate post later. [/spoiler]

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  • Earlier that night. From the memory’s of Warlock Holmes. I was standing in the room previously described by Watson although the wounds of battle hath not scourged the area. The vampire lord was standing across from me. His face was still a mask of shadow and his hands where outstretched. A aura of dread was emitted from his cold dead hands and it was enough for me to decided my next action. Just in time I drew upon the arcane energy around me to counter the spell the vampire was casting. “Nice try but not good enough. Now who are you?” I said to the vampire lord. He just chuckled and instead of answering my question he cast another spell. Suddenly woke the undead remains of performers. Standing in front of me was a band of skeletons and in there instruments carried the tune of Danse Macarbre by Camille Saint-Saëns. “Isn’t it a wonderful thing. The darker arts of necromancy and other such magics. I I know you are interested in such for I have seen. While others have little known secrets you have skeletons in your closet. I know you Holmes and you are fascinated in all including the dark arts.” The vampire monologued. “You are right. I am indeed regretfully interested in all kinds of magic. Although I have not been conquered by dark powers.” “Really?” The vampire lord said with a chuckle “you and I are more alike than you think Holmes.” He continued to talk and walk closer to me. Now was my change I thought. Closing my eyes I began chanting under my breath. I drew in the arcane power around towards me before releasing it at the vampire as a crackling bolt of electricity. It did catch my opponent off guard for a moment but soon we both began casting. I summoned three bolts of arcane missiles which speed towards the vampire, a typical strategy of mine to interrupt slower spells when I am stuck in a fight, but he blocked with a magical shield which formed around his body giving him a slight blue glow. I then began casting a spell of haste but my opponent responded by casting slow. This vampire really did know my actions like they where his own! We began our casting again. Each of us uttering arcane terms and our hands dancing as magical components. I raised my own hands up before bringing them down like a conductor and from the chandelier above a globe of spinning fire fell down upon the vampires head. Fire blended with the undead and his clothing went up in flames. But the vampire ignored it until his casting was complete. A lance of pure force erupted from his hands and flew towards me. The lance of force destroyed everything in its way before slamming into me which sent me flying into one of the pillars. The vampire smiled before putting out the flames with magic and continued to cast a spell. “Lance of disruption” I mumbled under my breath. “Old. Very. Let’s see if he liked older.” I pretended to have difficulty getting up but really I reached into one of my pockets. From a pocket that was all to small I pulled out a wooden stick. As the vampire wizard approached me his hands grew cold as he almost finished casting his cone of cold. Without even getting up I threw the stick at him before casting my own quicker spell. The stick grew longer and it slithered in the air before becoming a large snake which attacked my foe and removed his concentration on casting the spell. The vampire worried about removing the snake which gave me time to cast another spell. I threw a red gem at him which turned into a orb of spewing flames. The vampire was struck again but he didn’t seem to mind. He simply tapped the snake once while saying a couple words and it died. Afterwards a pair of spectral hands grasped me by the neck and slammed me into the the pillar so my feet where struggling to touch the ground. “Sticks to snakes Holmes! You went really old there that was a classic!” The vampire laughed. “Old yes. Probably not as old and poorly aged as you though” I managed to say under the spectral hands that encircled my neck. The hands only gripped tighter almost crushing my neck. “Your attempt of humor is lacking my new friend. Do not worry you will have eternity to work on that.” The vampire said as he approached me. Under his mask of shadow I could see two piercing fangs coming towards my neck. I struggled under the magical weight but to no avail. Then I closed my eyes and began chanting but I held the spell until the vampires fangs where almost touching me. Then I dispelled the magic around the entire area, I dropped to the ground, and the vampires teeth sank into the old stone. From there I quickly cast a spell of blinding light before running behind another pillar to cast a spell of invisibility upon myself. “Impressive Holmes. I knew you where more than a helpless lamb for my slaughter.” The vampire mocked while looking around for me. Suddenly the organ began blaring a tube writing by Handel (although it was originally for the Harpsicord.) the vampire spun around on his heels and flung a long shard of ice which shattered on impact and exploded into many little shards. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he shattered the stain glass above the organ to have it rain down above me. Surly that song of glass and ice would have hurt me and revealed my location but I was not there. The organ was only enchanted to play the tune. I hide behind one of the pillars and started to cast a particularly long spell. Actually a series of multiple spells cast together. I only hoped I had enough time for the vampire began sniffing around for my location. I could feel his aura of cold and death as he approached. “Holmes. Holmes! Come out and plaaay!” The vampire taunted as he began to approach me. “There you are” he said viciously as he lunged towards the pillar. Perfect. Just as he lunged I touched the pillar and the entire thing turned into a hard metal structure before then changing into fragile brittlely crystal. The vampire collided into it and the entire thing broke and collapsed upon him along with some of the celling. Luckily enough I had time to teleport thirty feet away and ran the rest. Afterwards I turned around to admire my handy work. The vampire was indeed a tough opponent but now underneath all that rubble all I needed to do was stab him with one of the stakes I brought. But as I approached I heard cackling behind me and suddenly chains reached out from the ground and inclosed my entire body. I tried struggling but I was completely incapacitated. “What was it you said to me? Good try but not good enough Holmes. Although I enjoyed watching your battle with my Simulacrum. I hoped you had as much fun as I did.” The vampire laughed maniacally before reaching down and removing a invisible ring from my finger. I instantly felt my strength and constitution drain as the vampire admired his prize. “A nice toy really. I do need to find the others though. Luckily this one sings to me” the vampire said as he placed the ring upon his own finger. “Have you figured out who I am yet?” “Of course. There is only one possible professor that would want to fight me. I know who you are. Who else would you be?” I said in mock hopelessness. “Of course. Mostly correct but think deeper. I shall enlighten you on your hypocrisy of course but first I must take your cloak, jacket, and actually most of what you have. I have a certain knight to deal with.” Suddenly the entire room filled with mist and smoke as I felt myself being moved into a dark and hidden room. Suddenly my opponent dropped his mask of shadow and revealed my own face but even more pale with a dark look. The vampire laughed behind me and his marching undead band followed. But soon all I saw was complete darkness. The song of Valse Sentimentale by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky filled the darkness. And suddenly I remembered.

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