[spoiler]The answers might drive you insane, so I’ll keep that as a disclaimer.
A few answers I might repeat:
[quote]I have no intention of delaying or halting the scheduled Owoutbweak rps. I still enjoy them, but they take a lot of effort to run smoothly. To everyone that joined the last one, I hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for playing.
I do want to expand and share my Poly lore. I’m currently in talks with several people here to produce a collaborative story. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do, and to those who have followed my insane backstory so far, thank you.
The courts are silly. I’ll speak no more on that subject.
Yes I have alts. No I won’t tell you how many. No I don’t use them when I’m banned, perma is a real thing buddy.
My names include: Notorious Zbruh, Countess Pyre, Azruphêl/Lolth, Zimraphel, Orion, Evelyn, Wolyn, Mouser and Izuma. And of course, the blanket name, Polycephalon.
[b][i]So go ahead, ask away. If I don’t answer, I’ll probably be back sooner or later today. [/i][/b]
Ohh panzer of the lake, what is your wisdom?