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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
4/25/2020 9:03:13 AM

Gaurdian Games is a Chore

Gaurdian Games is emblematic of everything wrong with the gameplay flow right now. It is an arduous chore of busywork. Bounties are already kind of not fun, to be completely honest. To some degree, I don't mind switching weapons to try out different fight styles to get some Banshee-44 bounties. But this problem is turned up to 11 regarding Guardian Games. It feels like "Bounty Games". It's unfun, it is a brutal chore, where I'm forced to play way outside my comfortable gear and set up class sets. And worse than anything else, its just another numbers grind. Remembering to get bounties and having enough space for all these bounties is a flipping nightmare now. And it feels unrewarding and tedious. And if I just jump into the activities I want to do, I now have to take 30 minutes to prepare before I go. It's ran off my entire play group. They just added grandmaster which has halfway decent loot, but EVERY OTHER ACTIVITY should be as rewarding. And that is the biggest problem with Destiny 2 right now. A lot of tedium for very little reward, and a lot of repetitive grind, and difficulty via "Skulls". Look the modifier game might have been great in Halo for those who wanted to play it more, but almost no one completed Halo LASO mode... The fraction of players who beat the game on that level is TINY. Don't get me started on the Eververse event armor during a pandemic, and economic crisis. And there is a reason pure modifiers isn't fun any more. It is just more tedium. The mobs are just as dumb, but now they're awful bullet sponges where your guns hit like wet farts, and your armor is weaker than your sparrow's. I'd rather have varied challenges than just a bunch of spongy ones. Also, the season mod stuff is obnoxious, and needing specific mods for Champions is likewise obnoxious. Because it is just tedium. It isn't strategy, it is just sponges doing the same thing they've always done, collecting more bullets for their lead collection. Nightfall Mods are poorly designed as is. And that just caps the fact that Destiny 2 just feels like horrible amounts of grind, and tedium and high levels of repetition for whatever little chum RNGesus pukes up on your lap. Even I'm getting tired of it, and my friends all stopped playing so I literally have no reason to keep trying. Bungie, you need to respect peoples playstyles (rather than making checklists of class skills we need to use to get loot). You need a better system for difficulty, over bullet sponges and mod matching alone. Most of all, we need better loot, period. Not just "Pinnacle", better loot all around. Season Content Model needs to go, and if it is inundation to have all that old content active at the same time, then rotate it by day and week like many other MMOs do. Destiny 2 also needs a file size optimization, as is it feels massively bloated. Also, add matchmaking to old Raids. Respect our time, playstyles, and need for reward and challenge, and only the amount of grind that is necessary (and no more), and you'll win out in this in the end. Playing Destiny 2 cooperatively is my style, if my friends find the game too tedious and quit, I'm not going to play either. Its that simple.

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