Hear me out: make anti-champion mods armor mods instead of weapon mods. You could put them on elemental affinity armor that corresponds to weapon type (solar for smg an ar, void for scout and hand cannon, etc.) and whatever smg, ar or what-have-you you have equipped gets the perk. That way we could use exotics we like. Maybe some exotics would end up OP, but we'd at least got to use our favorite exotics in nightfalls. Some of those guns were hard for a 2nd tier player like me to get and it sucks that they mainly sit in my vault.
How bout we do away with these play our way mechanics in general. No more making a bunch of mods the items to have in the game. I don't know though they have a revolving door working for them now so I don't see anything changing much in the game. The game being free to play has enough flow in the door to make up for those leaving in droves over their poor decisions so the money train should be doing just fine. It will be interesting over the next few weeks to see if they really want to change and fix this mess or just make it look like they are doing something.