Ok the Hardlight nerf coming tomorrow...
I have some... opinions on it...
Hardlight wasn't the problem, it's lack of recoil was pretty insane, but that still wasn't the problem, it was used so much due to it's lack of skill required to use, and it basically being free to hit shots
The REAL problem was Auto's being able to EASILY kill at times comparable to 150 rpm Handcannon's triple headshot TTK, and if you were to miss a single headshot with a 150, you have already lost the dual against ANY 600 rpm auto (It doesn't have to be Hardlight)
This honestly might worsen the problem rather than fix it, due to Hardlight no longer being an option at all compared to things like Suros, or even Summoner due to random rolls and the freedom of the exotic slot
People will simply gravitate to those options instead now
Bungie just killed an exotic (Yes, I'm aware that the nerfs weren't huge, And I'll get into the nerfs in a second, but even small nerfs like that is enough to kill an exotic like this), and we are still in the exact same position we were in before
ALL Autos are the problem (Mostly 600 rpms) Hardlight was just the most brainless of all of them, and thus people gravitated towards it
Now about the Hard light nerfs themselves
First things first:
Removing the no Damage Drop-off ability was a very bad change imo
Outside of the Ricochet rounds (Which btw, many guns have ricochet rounds anyway just not as potent)
While yes it still has higher range than most Autos, it still might as well be removing an entire exotic perk from the gun
I actually will give Bungie props for the Ricochet nerf (While it may of been a little too hard of a nerf imo) I appreciate Bungie splitting the Ricochet damage between PvP and PvE, making it an exclusive PvP nerf, however 2x to 1.35x was a little too heavy of a nerf
Overall, Unnerf Hardlight a bit (Revert No damage fall-off change), And focus on fixing the REAL problem (600 rpm auto rifles as a whole) instead of doing something that will worsen it
(Buffing other primaries is also and always an option :) )
Calm down HC meta baby.