Offtopic: Tippy (Mara Sov)
I had quite a few issues drawing this one, but over all I like how this one turned out. I always prefer drawing girls to guys cause to me they're easier, you can hide a lot of mess ups with that hair
Anyways, even though this is tippy, it was requested to be Mara Sov. So I had to reference her right? Lemme just say there's a lot of r34 and a surprising amount of body pillows. Also I usually don't draw lips like this, but it was definitely needed. I also never done any shadow type stuff before so that was fun, got to use some air brushes I usually use for shading
Over all I'm happy with how it turned out! Also shout out to those posting cool art, I encourage it and love to see more art circulating! See ya in the next one
[b]~Your Magnum D[i][/i]ong Sheriff who's getting hunted by man of war oh God please help me I think I can hear his footsteps[/b]
Edit: Should I post to creations tab? 🤔
I just noticed the edit, it's worth putting in creations. It's a really good drawing plus it's mara. So it's a win win.