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Clan Recruitment

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5/7/2020 6:37:23 PM

[XB1] KSI seeking new members

Tired of playing solo, and looking to get through some endgame content? Look no further than KSI! KSI stands for knowledge, strength, and integrity. The community has been around since 2002, and rose to fame during the Halo 2 days. While we're now non-competitive in the sense of tournaments, we do still actively engage in events such as Trials. We're all here to have fun, and that's our main focus. With game nights running Monday through Friday, as well as weekend events, there's always something to do and people available to complete it with. There are no tryouts, or requirement to change your gamertag. So if you're looking to have some fun with active members, then this is the place for you! We are an adult oriented community with a minimum age requirement, and ask that you at least have a mic to communicate in parties. If this sounds like a fit for you, then feel free to reach out to me on Xbox Live. My gamertag is KSI Shatner Below are some links for you to check out and see what we have to offer. Thank you all, stay safe, and have a great day!

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