Name: Polycephalon (Many headed, commonly translated as It/They who were/was many)
Other names: Zbruh, Pyre, Lolth, Azruphel, Evelyn, El-ahrairah, Dust.
Race: K’toa Langu Suytin(A Great Old One, the name is from the last surviving member of a civilization of fish people that spanned several galaxies, who accidently woke/created it i.e. trillions of Kuo Toa formed me, and regretted it)
Appearance: Commonly takes the form of a zebra with wings, an angel engulfed in flames, a humanoid figure atop a spiders body, an enormous butterfly or a robot of sorts. Can take the form of virtually anything, but true form is unknown(thought to have multiple heads but could not be verified).
Weapons/equipment: None, but can obtain almost anything.
Skills/strengths: Immense control over magic, technology and people from hundreds of millions of years of experience. You name it, they probably have it.
Weaknesses: None found so far. Likes to play games with other cosmic entities and even smaller individuals to learn what a tiny perspective is like, so curiosity can be taken advantage of.
Theme song: [i]Dies Ira[/i]e
Personality: Egotistical, insane. The heads take the form of different sides of this main consciousness, forming separate but connected entities.
Status: Currently erased from existence, but manipulating entities through time to restore themselves/itself.
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