I realize its been a while since I’ve stopped by here, but i had an idea and decided to go with it. I’m the leader of the Offtopic Pokécord server and was wondering if any of you would want to join?
But you may be asking: What’s Pokécord? Pokécord is a discord bot designed to work similarly to the Pokémon games. Ya catch em, sell em, and battle with em, simple as that. Super fun, and I’ve had a great time with the people on the Offtopic server.
If you’re interested, dm me and we’ll work it out. It might be a bit before I get back to ya, so please be patient. Or if ya just wanna chat, dm me i guess LOLth. Anywho...yeah!
[b]HI[/b] [i]I MISS YOU[/i] [spoiler]no homo[/spoiler]