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played destiny 2 on ps4 i have made switch i turned crosssave on to put account on my pc worked just fine but i had bought forsaken on ps4 went to cross over my account says i have no dlc but yet my character and weapons are from Forsake DLC...Just want the DLC i paid for plz help
Aloha! Cross-Save cannot transfer DLC. DLC content is licensed by the platforms, and requires purchase on each platform to access said content.
Hey there! Your expansions do not transfer over when using Cross Save as explained in the Cross Save Article. [url][/url] [quote]Do my previous game purchases transfer across platforms? Destiny 2 expansions (ex: Forsaken, Shadowkeep) do not transfer between platforms with Cross Save. Destiny 2 Season Passes (ex: Season of the Undying) do move between platforms on the characters they were redeemed on[/quote]