This is [REDACTED] John Henry Eden, and I’d like to chat if you got a moment. Hopefully that reference does not harm. But now that my reference for the day is over who is ready for more?
Well In all honesty I would like to tell you of something concerning the fake offtopic government. I have decided not to run for CEO this time. Instead I am trying to spin the turning wheels of fun in a attempt to spice things up and maintain order. As of now I am officially forming a offtopic monarchy and Triumvirate. We are a organization from the ruins of our old government. If this is the end of the presidential line then we shall carry its tradition, purpose, and burden of bringing some enjoyment to our sacred home. The line of five shall be upheld.
Now please keep in mind that this enterprises is in no ways meant to derail the election of the new CEO. I wish good luck to whoever shall become CEO. But we feel this group, this knighthood, shall be essential that our old lines and traditions shall be upheld.
Now as we seek upon this quest we could use additional help. If you wish to join our forces under myself as your lord, king, [Redacted], or whatever we decide upon than either contact me or my two loyal knights Sir Ringleader77 and Sir John Watson.
Now what is the true purpose of this organization besides being sentinels of tradition? Well obviously it is to form another faction. If you think about it having multiple factions working together or separately does spice things up and makes things more interesting. So my turning to Ceaser is purely to increase enjoyment in this upcoming era.
Traditio in sempiternum!
Edit: Here is a link provided by ringleader. Read if you want more information.
[spoiler]Note: we are constructing a system at the moment. If thou wishes to join contact either Ringleader, Watson, of myself and we shall explain more. Also one of us shall make a post later. [/spoiler]
Traditus Triton