>Be me
>Come to coffee shop to work on my novel that will inevitably suck
>See red Toyota something or other
>Cartoon gandalf sticker (above) reading YOU SHALL NOT PASS
>Love that shit
>Think "would be awesome if thats some chick's car"
>See cute bead looking thingy hanging from mirror
>Probably not fat basement dwelling dude's car
>Go into coffee shop hoping for chick.
>See chick near where I sit talking to an older friend
>Pretty, with prim and proper look balanced by confidence and probable intelligence
>Is probably astrophysics major or something way out of league
>Exactly what makes me hard
>Chick and friend leave shortly after I sit down
>Watch chick walk out to parking lot from table
>Feel like creep
>Please oh please be the gandalf car
>Chick gets into gandalf car and drives away
>Will never love another woman again
>Post in b.net as tears stream down face and hoping rona gets me
>Will probably go lick wal mart shopping carts after posting
>The world will never be beautiful again
True story. Kinda. Anyway, I come to this coffee shop a lot and I'm hoping this girl shows up again, not that I'd have balls to say anything.
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