EDIT: Thanks for the immediate down vote. Kinda just makes me feel even better.
My playtime on this game has dropped to nearly zero, and it's not because of sunsetting and its not because of the season.
I actually DO think sunsetting is good, and I actually DID like the season. I thought the activity, bunkers, leg lost sectors were fun and I like weapons... but,
[b]I have been getting beavers non stop for months now.[/b]
I'm certified in computer repair and networking and have tried everything.
I have followed the networking guide exactly.
Nothing helps at all.
I've been playing Fortnite and a bit of Amazon's Crucible as well as dozens of other online only games Zero disconnects in other games.
Over the last three months I've had probably 200 disconnects from Destiny 2.
I've already paid for the next season (since I got the single package when the moon was haunted), so I'll probably try to get some value out of that but I'm not feeling very good about buying the next expansion and seasons. The problem is just simply not on my end, and it doesn't seem to be affecting enough people for Bungie to care to fix, but I don't see any value in paying to be unable to play the game... so I guess that's gonna be it.
Just in-case there is anyone keeping track, not only is this me you're losing but also my son who was just getting into the game as a new light player... if these disconnects weren't happening by now he'd own the expansions and season passes too. I know I'm just a worthless drop in the bucket but oh well.
[b]Just while typing up this post, I've had my character trying to land at the tower... he hasn't landed successfully a single time and I just changed the title of this post from 10 to 20.[/b]
TLDR: I'm fed up with disconnects and won't be buying the next expansion or seasons after darkness.