To all those who are about to say, "Get your scrubby fanfic out of here, chump," hear me out. If you don't like this, just ignore it. If you don't like fanfiction, keep scrolling. And another thing, this isn't one of the weird "Oh Me GoSh My GuArDiAn Is In LoVe WiTh SwEePeR bOt!¡!" Fanfictions. Those things aren't my cup of tea. Or coffee. Or any sort of cup of liquid, for that matter. This is the story of a newly risen Guardian struggling to make it in his first few seconds of being alive. Please enjoy.
[u][u]He sat up straight, throwing the silk sheet that covered him to the side. The newly resurrected Guardian was, as expected, very confused. He stared at his hands. "Who am I?" He thought. Not soon after, a cheerful little voice spoke the first words the newly risen Guardian would ever hear.
"Hi there!" The voice chirped.
The new Guardian looked to his left and saw a little drone hovering at face level with him. The new Risen scooted back, unsure of what he was seeing.
"Don't be nervous. I'm your friend. Well, more importantly, I'm your Ghost." The Ghost said.
"What's a Ghost?" The Guardian asked as his fearful expression turned to confusion.
"Well, that's a little hard to explain." The Ghost said as his shell twisted about.
"Who am I?" The Guardian asked, once again staring at his hands.
"I'm not really sure. Maybe you're some old Awoken royalty, or something. You have to be from a long time ago, since the Dreaming City only recently became known to the public. And by that I mean the entire system." The ghost said as he floated about, scanning amethyst rocks that littered the ground. The new Risen pulled himself off the table he had been resurrected on, grabbing the sheet he had thrown off earlier from the ground.
"Awoken. That sounds familiar. But..." The Guardian trailed off as he stared off into the distance, rubbing the fine fabric with his fingers.
"Don't worry. Everything should start making sense as we go along. But for now, we need to get a ship and get to the Last City, and quick. You aren't exactly ready to take on the unfriendlies that populate this place." The Ghost said as he finished a final scan of the ground.
"What do you mean 'unfriendlies'?" The Guardian asked as he draped the silk sheet over his shoulder. As the new Risen spoke, a thundering boom shook the ground. The Guardian felt it vibrate through him, shaking every bone in his body. It happened again, only this time in greater magnitude.
"That's what I mean! We have to go, now!" The Ghost yelled, speeding off into the mist below the ridge the two had been on.
"Wait up!" The Guardian exclaimed, clumsily scooting his way down the gradual drop off. By the time the Guardian reached flat ground, the horrible crash of footsteps had gotten louder and louder. The Guardian ran into the mist, hoping to outrun whatever colossal beast that trailed him. The Guardian stopped a short ways into the fog, already out of breath. As he regained his composure, the Guardian looked out into the mists from the direction he had come from. The footsteps had stopped. All was incredibly silent. And then, without warning, a beam of purple energy shot into the mist, barely missing the Guardian. With quick reflexes, the Risen dove out of the way, escaping the mobile blast. The laser quickly stopped soon after the Guardian had dodged away. And then the footsteps resumed. But along with those crashing steps came a roar so horrifying that the Guardian would never forget it's sound.
"You made it!"
The Guardian nearly screamed, restraining himself with every ounce of energy he had. His Ghost had found him in the worst possible time.
"Don't do that!" The Guardian whisper-yelled.
"Do what?" The innocent Ghost asked.
"Sneak up on me!" The Guardian said, growing irritated with his Ghost.
"Well, I'm sorry. Next time I might just leave you to die." The Ghost said. There was an awkward silence.
"That was a joke." The Ghost said.
"Not funny." The Guardian said, peering out from behind the rock he was hiding near.
"Okay, sorry. It wasn't very nice. I just-"
"Shut up, shut up! It's coming this way." The Guardian hissed. The pounding footsteps inched closer and closer to the Guardian and his Ghost. He could hear the crunch of the rocky ground as the large monster lifted its heavy legs, shifting its weight to one leg, and then sending the suspended appendage crashing to the chert like rock below. Sweat streamed down the Guardians face as he listened to the wet gargling the beast made.
"Guardian, I have a plan." The Ghost whispered. The Guardian checked to make sure the creature had not heard the conversation.
"What is it?" The Guardian asked, staring into the open mist, praying that the beast would not find them.
"I can't explain this well, but inside of you, there is a great energy. A lot of Guardians call it their 'super'." The Ghost said.
"Okay, and what about it?" The Guardian asked ever so quietly, almost to where his voice could not be heard.
"You have to reach inside yourself and find it. Activate it. Use it against that thing." The Ghost said. The Guardian didn't know exactly what the Ghost was talking about, but the Guardian knew he had to try and find his super. He closed his eyes, and searched himself, searching for an energy, as the Ghost said. The Guardian found it. He stepped out from behind the rock, and stared the inky terror right in it's single, void filled eye.
"Take this, foul beast!" The Guardian screamed, activating his super. But instead of a super, the Guardian let out a roaring belch.
"Crap." The new Light said as the giant beast, an Ogre as it is known, obliterated the poor Guardian from existence.
"Oh brother." The Ghost sighed.
It would be a long trip back to the Tower for Pulled Pork and his new Guardian.
My Guardian is in love with the sweeper bot How can we stretch this concept into a 200 page story that doesn't go anywhere and has more sexual tension than Scarlett Johansson reading 50 shades of grey? I wonder