I watched the live stream this morning and got extremely excited about all the new content coming this Fall. So after the long wait for the download to finish and the many warnings about my connection to the Destiny server I was finally able to log on.
The wait didn't end my hype, the new video and story missions were really cool. After I finished the and acquired my new grenade launcher and did one of the boring new public events from this season I was still excited.
Then I looked at my weapons and armor and saw Bungie is already implementing sunsetting. We aren't affected by it, but it's there and looking and ready to destroy our inventory and vaults as soon as the new expansion comes this Fall.
I immediately lost any motivation I had to play this season. Every strike, crucible match, Gambit match, seemed utterly pointless. What is my goal? To receive armor with a time limit? What if I get busy with work/school/life for a few months? It doesn't matter to Bungie if you enjoy playing the game as long as you are buying new content and that is clearly apparent.
Sunsetting weapons I get, Bungie is too lazy to find a viable solution for balancing so just hit the refresh button. Sunsetting armor after the grind you made to masterwork it? After you made it the only decent reward from the season passes? It saddens me to see people support a company which has fallen so far out of touch with its player base. Bungie has been my favorite developer since the first Halo but they just can't seem to get out of their own way since D2 launched. I was expecting good things after the Activision split but it's just more of the same.
with armour the transmog system they think will more than compensate for sunsetting armour. and it will - once you unlock the transmogs for the good looking stuff, you could equip white trash armour and make it look like raid gear or whatever you like. it wont matter since everyone sees the look you like, and the gear has the stats you want, and they can make all new gear look identical for all it matters since people will 99% likely transmog it to look like something they had already. weapons is the real killer because they have the active function. grinding to masterwork the armour if it can be made to look good, and they remove the prisms and that round thing, and lower the cost, they will get away with. but what point grinding for cores for the weapons i like using when in a few months boom, the weapon becomes not just nerfed to remove any advantage (if it had any - i use weapons i enjoy not ones for advantage in pvp) but bricks it to make it unusable even in pve content. and i already only get useless drops for weapons i hate using like linear fusions, fusion rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers. its clear the way drops are biased for me to weapons i dont have equipped that the issue is bungie want us to use weapons we dont like. OR they didnt consider WHY people use a certain weapon, and not others. its not necessarily those other weapons are bad bungie: some of us how we play we dont want to use shotguns because we prefer to kill from range, or just because we hate shotties, fusions and grenade launchers. i enjoy using bows, handcannons, autorifles, machine guns, occasionally rocket launchers and swords. pulse rifles and scouts i dont mind but not my fave, but banshee doesnt even do bounties for them lately. snipers i really only keep cos devram likes them, and sometimes has a bounty, but they share the same issues as shotguns for me - the ammo reserves suck and the drop rate of green ammo sucks also. trace rifles i enjoy but again they use green ammo, which drops about twice the rate of an exotic engram so are basically as useless to me as shotguns. and i hate using shotguns even before we discuss that 95% of the time its just an empty weapon wasting an equpment slot, because green ammo is rare as rocking horse dung. im not arguing against green ammo. im not even arguing for increasing green ammo reserves on all weapons (though i think that would resolve the issues you bungie think sunsetting is supposed to fix by making them at least viable by always having ammo for them.... tho increased green ammo drop rate might also solve it). im arguing that its not because they are better, some of us use the weapons we do and dont swap to the new weapons. in my case its because these new weapons very often require me to do pinnacle content like dungeons and raid which i will never do, and so will never get the equipment, or its a type of weapon i dont have fun using ever under any circumstances, and which ammo is almost never available. if i carry a weapon and its usually out of ammo, eventually i stop even switching to it, not notice when it has ammo, and then swap it out for an alternative. and i use what i use because (shock horror!) its FUN FOR ME. sunsetting removes the fun, and will make it a grind just playing at all, instead of a grind when i find a new weapon like steelfeather, which i CAN get without having to risk my whole account using LFG, (thats another problem i address in another feedback post) but by a matchmade activity, and did enjoy using. i didnt mind grinding the mats to masterwork that for my warlock. but my 3 dont bother with masterworking or upgrading tier anymore because even though its not here, sunsetting already makes that activity a pointless waste of time.