originally posted in:Destiny Australia
Looking for a casual, mature clan for team based content (raids and PvP).
Check my clan out, I think you’d fit in pretty well. We’d be happy to have you, join our discord! https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/256280508/0/0
Ascension | EU/Asia | PC Hello Guardian We are a medium size clan of around 40 members ranging from experienced destiny veterans to players who have just decided to pick up destiny. Our clan was made with the single goal of helping out others. We have players who have extensive knowledge in both the PVE and PVP side of the game who are willing to aid clan members in anyway whether it's just giving them advice or going through and teaching the activity with them for the first time. For the more experienced players we offer frequent raids with our main raiders and quickplay and competitive sessions with some of our best players. Usually at the end of every week or so we hold a community event where we all get together and play clan clash/rumble or perhaps just a football match in the farm. If you think this sounds like the right thing for you all we ask is that . You conduct yourself in an appropriate manner . You are fairly active i.e playing a few times each week . be willing to integrate yourself into the community. (This is what we thrive on and we wish all members to embrace this) My contact info Discord - Skull#0805 Steam ---->1025623438
I run a small, multi-game clan for adults. We are active, everyday and at most hours, but we are quite casual and very relaxed. Lots of moms and dads, and some ex-military. We also run weekend D&D and Pathfinder sessions. Please feel free to come hang out with us at our discord, whether you want to get a feel for us as a group, if you want to group up for some activities, or just hang out. A link can be found on our webpage https://thebrotherhoodofgames.com .