So, I'm an xbox player and I preordered the delux edition of Beyond Light through the microsoft store before opening destiny, I have it installed, but when I'm in game (looking at the expansions tab of the eververse store) it says i havent bought it.
Clicking on the DLC and pressing the "GET IT NOW" button diverts me to the microsoft store again where it says;
"It seems you already own this, i hope you're enjoying it~" or something along those lines. Anyone know how to fix this, or is it a waiting game till I get my stuff, am i now $100 down the drain or what? I can take photos later on if needed.
**Edit: So after a few days of unintalling and reinstalling the Beyond Light dlc and it's packadges, today after uninstalling the packadges they turned into two different packages to what they were before (and a dlc file), when I reinstalled the 3 new files Master Rahool had my pre-order bonuses. This also fixed the expansions screen in Tess' shop. Thanks for all the helpfull comments guys. :P**
I’m having a similar issue with the game telling me I haven’t purchased it and xbox telling me I have, but it hasn’t even shown up in my debit card expenses yet. And I even purchased some silver after to see if that would do the same thing and it worked just fine and showed up on my bank app instantly.