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originally posted in: Why people are afk farming
6/14/2020 9:58:05 PM
I love this forum! The amount of toxicity that was posted about the last season, and so great hope and anticipation about the new one was something to look forward to. Last season was boring, nothing to grind for, too much grinding, no exciting new content, too many repetitive bounties etc....., the list of complaints was endless. New season.....right....I know, I'l drop my light level, go into a forge afk, and go to work, or go to bed, or order a takeaway and pig out in front of the tv. 3 days later.....Yay, almost max level...I can now do some pinnacle stuff and maybe some trials. 2 weeks later.....This season sucks, nothing to do....I quit this game....etc. I bought this season, as I have every season since D1 launch, to actually PLAY it, and I think that the fundamental idea of this game has been totally eroded by the changes that Bungie has made in order to try to please everyone and their dog in this once great game. D1 was a hell of a grind and I loved it, putting in hundreds of hours to complete everything possible on all 3 characters. Those days are gone and it's come to the stage where people moan about a game, and even when new stuff is added, they can't even be bothered to play it properly. Just like modern life, people want everything for nothing, everything asap but don't want to work to earn it, and I bet the majority of these slackers will be the first to vent their anger in here in a few weeks time. I am actually enjoying this new season, apart from the total -blam!--up regarding the sprint mechanics which hopefully will be fixed soon.

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