Sorry, but it took my friends and I less than 4 days to reach 1050 on 3 characters to do the dungeon with zero forge farming and we took a lot of breaks and played other games in that time while some of us worked full time jobs all of those days. It’s not that hard. If you don’t feel like grinding or don’t have time, then don’t play the game, play something else, simple as that. Ruining other people’s experience to skip the grind cause you don’t wanna do it is inexcusable.
To all the people who group up together, properly lower your light or time jump to avoid matchmaking with people trying to actually do the forge, while i still don’t condone the practice, thank you for being conscientious of other players. But there’s a lot of players who don’t give af and plague the forges with afkers making it impossible to actually run a forge without a full group. And that’s what pisses me off the most about it.
Additionally, regardless of what kind or how efficient of a leveling system they implement, if there’s an easier cheesier method that yields great rewards for less effort (as is currently the afk forge farm) intended or not by the developers, people will gravitate towards it because they almost always follow the path of least resistance as evidenced time and time again throughout Destiny’s history. The vast majority of the player base always goes for the cheese.
[quote]Sorry, but it took my friends and I less than 4 days to reach 1050 on 3 characters[/quote] Glad for you. But why exactly should it matter to me ?
Nobody will ever care what you or any other player or streamer condones.
[quote]Sorry, but it took my friends and I less than 4 days to reach 1050 on 3 characters to do the dungeon with zero forge farming and we took a lot of breaks and played other games in that time while some of us worked full time jobs all of those days. It’s not that hard. If you don’t feel like grinding or don’t have time, then don’t play the game, play something else, simple as that. Ruining other people’s experience to skip the grind cause you don’t wanna do it is inexcusable. To all the people who group up together, properly lower your light or time jump to avoid matchmaking with people trying to actually do the forge, while i still don’t condone the practice, thank you for being conscientious of other players. But there’s a lot of players who don’t give af and plague the forges with afkers making it impossible to actually run a forge without a full group. And that’s what pisses me off the most about it. Additionally, regardless of what kind or how efficient of a leveling system they implement, if there’s an easier cheesier method that yields great rewards for less effort (as is currently the afk forge farm) intended or not by the developers, people will gravitate towards it because they almost always follow the path of least resistance as evidenced time and time again throughout Destiny’s history. The vast majority of the player base always goes for the cheese.[/quote] I call BS on leveling on all your 3 characters at 1050 light less than 4 days. That would mean you would have to play each of those days 10 hours at the very least and already had bounties ready to be turned in once the season started. I'm already burnt out from last season. I'm not going to do the same things over and over again without playing some new content. I wanna be able to play the new prophecy dungeon as soon as possible instead of waiting for pinnacles each week.
Edited by Nazzy, Disciple of Rahndel: 6/15/2020 4:21:33 PMIt’s really not that hard. I had no bounties saved because I’m way too lazy for that and stopped doing bounties last season the second I finished the season pass. A full set of bounties from one vendor takes like half an hour except for those stupid finish 3 strikes ones. I probably played 10 hours each day over the weekend cause it’s the weekend and I had nothing better to do, but my third character had reached 1050 by the time I played Friday afternoon without doing a single pinnacle drop and I spent who knows how much of that time afk in orbit or waiting around looking at my phone and at least one of those afternoons was spent doing a raid on a character I’d already done it on to not waste pinnacles then playing GTA V the rest of the night. I’ve also been very unlucky with drops. Like going to Zavala to bring up a characters light with higher guns and getting 8 guns then 7 cloaks in a row all at once. Or getting 4 1052 energy weapons in a row from garden when I literally need anything else. Point is, it’s really not hard if you play it smart. But when I get tired of it, I’ll also just stop playing the game like I did for several months after shadowkeep. To that end, I don’t understand why people bother with it if they’re so fed up with bungies shitty systems. Afk forge farming isn’t compelling Bungie to change their leveling system, shitty as it may be, cause you’re still playing the game one way or another and maybe you’ll spend some silver while you’re at it at which point, mission accomplished for Bungie. That’s all they really wanted anyway.
[quote]It’s really not that hard. I had no bounties saved because I’m way too lazy for that and stopped doing bounties last season the second I finished the season pass. A full set of bounties from one vendor takes like half an hour except for those stupid finish 3 strikes ones. I probably played 10 hours each day over the weekend cause it’s the weekend and I had nothing better to do, but my third character had reached 1050 by the time I played Friday afternoon without doing a single pinnacle drop and I spent who knows how much of that time afk in orbit or waiting around looking at my phone and at least one of those afternoons was spent doing a raid on a character I’d already done it on to not waste pinnacles then playing GTA V the rest of the night. I’ve also been very unlucky with drops. Like going to Zavala to bring up a characters light with higher guns and getting 8 guns then 7 cloaks in a row all at once. Or getting 4 1052 energy weapons in a row from garden when I literally need anything else. Point is, it’s really not hard if you play it smart. But when I get tired of it, I’ll also just stop playing the game like I did for several months after shadowkeep. Not find some gimpy way to cheese my way through it. Afk forge farming isn’t compelling Bungie to change their leveling system, shitty as it may be, cause you’re still playing the game one way or another and maybe you’ll spend some silver while you’re at it at which point, mission accomplished for Bungie. That’s all they really wanted anyway.[/quote] I think the difference between you and I is that I played most of D2 and I never took a break for several months. The most I've ever taken a break from this game is probably a whole month. You can see why I'm beyond burnt out. I'm not going to waste my time doing the same activities I've been doing for thousands of times just to play some of the new stuff. It's becoming mind numbingly boring doing bounties and completing pinnacle activities. Try leveling your season pass to 212 just for Grandmaster Nightfall only to find out later your light level is capped at 1030 for a 1060 Nightfall, eventually I just gave up on grinding for higher light. I don't do raids because there's always time conflicts with doing it and not everyone is on the same time zone. I'm not going into LFG because most of those groups are either inadequate at completing the raid or just plain toxic. This is what happens when there is not enough content for a good solid 6 months. Bungie is giving us the drip effect of giving us content when really there was not much content there to begin with. Frankly I'm just tired of Bungie taking the easy way out in terms of what they call new content. They don't listen feedback that the community has given to them and they change things that was not even called for. This is my way of saying to them that they can do better and the state the game is in right now is unacceptable.