It is by far the most efficient strategy to level your character. If the game had a more efficient leveling system built into it's more legitimate systems we would be utilizing that. Many other games have leveling systems that put you close to end game levels at the end of story content. So you don't have to work as hard. This game makes you play hours upon hours, days upon weeks even, to get to end game levels. And it makes you play content we've already been playing up to this point.
TLDR: If you Make a better leveling experience, you will get more players who want to engage with it And not *want* to find the exploits.
Took a break for the last season. Came back, did one lot of the weekly bounties and thought I don't want to do this time and time again. I loathe gambit from getting the Dredgen title. Strikes have become so boring. I like crucible. Moon stuff is ok. But the thought of having to grind for weeks just to be the starting level to do the dungeon was basically shit. Watched a vid for afk Forge and now I'm 1044. I can play the game more casually now and even have time to play other games with out having to slave away at this game. Win win.