Yep, I see a pattern and don't want anything to do with it, all the talk about another game coming along to destroy Destiny but Bungie is going to let the idiots destroy destiny first. If I was an owner of a business like this, I would find out who is allowing this to happen and fire them because this type of crap will cost Bungie money.
P.S. 56? your head must hurt by now.
[quote]Yep, I see a pattern and don't want anything to do with it, all the talk about another game coming along to destroy Destiny but Bungie is going to let the idiots destroy destiny first. If I was an owner of a business like this, I would find out who is allowing this to happen and fire them because this type of crap will cost Bungie money.[/quote] They need to ban everyone who is afk forging, its ruining my experience with this game, also its cheating