I’m not passing judgement on the season. Just a matter of fact. There is not a huge amount of content dropped on us that makes playing for XP something that feels fresh and interesting. It’s not like we got 5 new strikes to replay though, or 3 new Gambit Prime maps, or a new hub world to travel around and explore with new public events, new lost sectors, and new patrols.
Nobody should be expecting that.
So instead of replaying the same repeatable content people are just afk farming. That’s my only point. There’s not enough new incentive NOT to.
Thats fair, I always operate under the assumption that people will always take the easiest route to new stuff, regardless of the content available. How many people stopped playing destiny 1 when [i]everything[/i] was new and interesting to shoot at a cave for free loot?
Some will always take the easy way out, but some will wait until they’re “bored” or feel disenfranchised by the current content. Is not getting loot/XP fast enough. Personally if there is an XP/Glimmer/Loot cheese I am not saying I won’t do it, but I’m not likely to if there’s still stuff to do that I haven’t done or haven’t over played already. We don’t really get overburdened with new content in these seasons. lol like I said, not that anyone should expect us to.