[quote][quote]Just curious, why are you doing forges legitamately?[/quote]
Ada-1 quests, also farming a better hammerhead[/quote]
Why? Its being sunset in 3 months.
[quote][quote][quote]Just curious, why are you doing forges legitamately?[/quote] Ada-1 quests, also farming a better hammerhead[/quote] Why? Its being sunset in 3 months.[/quote] I care?
[quote][quote][quote][quote]Just curious, why are you doing forges legitamately?[/quote] Ada-1 quests, also farming a better hammerhead[/quote] Why? Its being sunset in 3 months.[/quote] I care?[/quote] K dude. Lol....enjoy your forges. Muted.
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]Just curious, why are you doing forges legitamately?[/quote] Ada-1 quests, also farming a better hammerhead[/quote] Why? Its being sunset in 3 months.[/quote] I care?[/quote] K dude. Lol....enjoy your forges. Muted.[/quote] Why reply if you have nothing to add, leave