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6/22/2020 5:35:49 PM
Bungie just needs to sell weapons and armor that are obtainable for free in game at Eververse. That move alone would kill any 3rd party source asking for large sums of money for a completion or item. Having Bungie directly offering it as a purchasable option, provided that it's long past season probably a year or so, for you or you can earn it in game for free gives them the necessary funds to make content and deters people from pulling the game into a for profit system. Ain't no money in saving the world, so you might as well take back control of your game and make a profit on it rather than allowing people to profit in it. You can even lower the cost of emotes and junk so that buying them is more approachable. Virtual content has no limit or stock, so more small sales = more likely to buy something else in the future.

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  • so in your eyes are those who went in comp and did everything for NF are equally as skilled as those who had someone jump in their account.

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  • That hypothetical statement is completely situational so in some cases that statement could be true and in other it is false. Difference is the person is taking a risk by using an unsupported third party that could do irreparable damage to your account, deleting characters, items and taking account information for their own gain. That and once they have your money they can do what they want with your account. Again no rational person would really take that risk. The difference is with Bray's thing is that you are bypassing that by taking that third party service and making it first party, you remove the risk but you also make it so that any effort you put into the game is much more easily bypassed by someone with money to burn. While before you wouldn't have that many people paying out to those services as they are third party.

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  • Gr8 b8, even if it was the low hanging fruit 😜

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    This is complete trash. Who wants to play a game that all the best weapons are to be purchased in a store.

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  • Warframe? CSGO?

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  • You haven’t heard of Warframe have you?

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    I played it one day. Didn’t like it and moved on

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  • or obtained for free by playing the game. Also, you're playing that game right now because that is currently what is already happening.

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  • Or just put it in a quest like touch of malice, outbreak,and necrocasm like d1.

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  • Noke of those weapons he mentioned are tied to season pass and are instead mission/quest based. No way at all should bungie sell these items regardless. People spend their money without thinking it's their fault.

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  • No, definetly not this. Selling weapens for real money? You cant be serious. I can already imagine the backlash. This isnt EA

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  • [quote]No, definetly not this. Selling weapens for real money? You cant be serious. I can already imagine the backlash. This isnt EA[/quote] People already pay streamers $35 for a Trials Recovery. You can sit on the stream and watch the streamer log onto other accounts. I know if at least a couple of streamers that are playing Trials 12hours+ each Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday but still don’t have enough time to get all the weekly paid recoveries done. The same applies to Raid and quest recoveries.

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  • Those people are idiots. But its still their decision and their money. Paying for these kind of services is bad, but lets not pretend that everything would be better if Bungie started these services for a cheaper price. It might be worse for it is corporate greed.

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  • I just gave Bungie a reason to lower the price of cosmetics realistically and gave them the means to gut the 3rd party profiteering. I don't need to pretend that it's better. It's clearly better.

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  • No, youre giving them a reason to put more stuff for sale in eververse. How can anyone support that?

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  • and you're failing to understand why Eververse is needed in the first place.

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  • I cant even... plz just stop. Thats a whole different conversation. The issue that I have with your ideas is that instead of making stuff available through world drops or quests or maybe for you to put in some effort, you straight up say: well lets put everything thats worthwhile to get in eververse, because I am too lazy to put in any effort, which basically makes you the same as all the recovery fools. Youre too lazy to play the game. There are so many possible solutions to this problem, yet putting everything in eververse must be the worst Ive ever heard. Selling weapons through microtransaction is crossing a line not many companies can pull off without bad media. Definetly not Bungie.

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  • A year after the content was relevant. This is what Bungie is doing with Eververse armor and they should be doing it for weapons after sunsetting or retiring content. There isn't a big leap to move on from weapons since purchasable weapons would have last years power cap and not the new one. This would also mean Destiny would be more inviting. and with more approachable cosmetic items at lowered prices, which them makes other content more approachable. It's just a win-win for everybody involved. Except 3rd party profiteers.

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  • The armor pieces are cosmetics only, thats what eververse is for: cosmetics. You simply dont want to play the game. There already is Xur, wat more do you want? You want trials gear without playing trials, well thats never gonna happen, and anyone who has got it through 3rd party knows they did not deserve it. Either way, everyone can make their own decisions. If you are willing to 100$ for flawless? Go for it, youre an idiot imo, but more power to you. Selling the Trials armor/weapons in Eververse for money is just counterproductive, because why would anyone ever play trials then? 'When a lot of people are using crystal meth, Im having a hard time to believe that the government of that country would say: "well, then lets sell it ourselves, so there is no more meth crime, problem solved."'

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  • Wasn't talking about Trials, since that content isnt going anywhere. I'm not talking about all content avalible now, I'm talking about content that goes away where it's items become unobtainable. Realistically, aside from exotics, weapons themselves are ornaments. You can get the same rolls on another weapon that looks different.

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  • So use one of those weapons then if it doesnt matter to you.

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  • What weapons? I still use my Y1 The Number.

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  • Get your fix somewhere else crackie. Im done with you

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  • Oh please, you never even mattered for you to be done with anything.

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  • In my opinion it would be better if Bungie just sold the gear directly, so long as there’s always a way to acquire the items through gameplay. Instantly removes the paid carries and recoveries.

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