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6/22/2020 5:53:29 PM
This post has a better chance of getting locked by overzealous moderators then Bungie fixing paid Recovs and Carries.

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  • How would bungie "fix" a business? If people are dumb enough to pay large amounts of money out of sheer laziness then thats their fault or the parents. Then theres the other side, the people that are such worthless piles of selfish that they cant help other people. Whys no one ever talk about the people that are good at the game refusing to put any added effort into anyone other than themselves. The funny part is that most flawless or day one raiders really arent as good as they say they are because they CANT carry other people. If you need everything to be perfect for you to get a flawless then youre average not elite stop pretending. If you are good enough to carry then grow up stop being selfish and help other people once in a while. How often do you see a post about trials help and its an actual good player carrying people for free. The problem is unfixable because the level of selfish children is at 100% in this game.

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  • Post should get locked for promoting twitch. Like how they hating on paid carries. They gettin paid thru twitch. Whos stupid enough not to read between the lines. Tryna het viewers up lmfao this is pathetic click bait.

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  • Wtf are you talkin about? Disagreement doesn't transform things into click bait. Think up a rebuttal or "click" something else.

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  • It's not click bait its obvious virtue signalling for twitch viewers its pathetic.

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  • No thats what you wacko brain created? Just because you look at the world through the eyes of a child doesn't make it reality. Even if he was trying to get viewers... ok? What you want em to do send out a news letter? Whats he promoting helping people? Keep youre liberal cancel attitude to yourself yuh frag

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  • Edited by xbroggiex: 6/23/2020 2:38:27 PM
    I guess you are that delusional and have that bad reading comprehension if you cannot even grasp the simple concept that he is intentionally using the guise of "helping people" for twitch viewership. If he just wanted to help people why did he feel the need to advertise his twitch three times? Essentially he is no better than those that ask money as he is getting viewership instead of straight up money and you know what viewership leads to...? You guessed right! Money! I can't believe people are actually this brain dead.

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  • Lmfao people like you are hilarious, the kids call it a hater i think. The guise of helping? Seriously try to think about it past the child part of youre brain. If hes helping people then hows that a "guise"? You idiot. He gets viewership because hes doing a good thing. How the fk are people going to know what hes doing or who he even is if he doesnt "advertise" it. I wouldn't even call a post on a forum advertisement. Jesus your mind works so backwards. Do you hate on everyone that advertises things or just the people doing good things. Im sure youre using a cell phone ps4 and a pc because of word o mouth, dipsht. No ones brain dead or naive, we all know what this dudes doing, youre the only idiot that has a problem with an entrepreneur doing entrepreneur things. Youre wrong bro, change your mind or stfu?

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  • Edited by xbroggiex: 6/23/2020 3:06:54 PM
    If he plugged it once at the bottom I would be inclined to agree that maybe he is doing out the goodness of his heart... but three times and right at the top before I read anything? Dude is obviously looking for clout lmao. Also, pretty sure plugs are against Bungie forum rules. Guess the mods are dead or something.

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  • Plugs are against the rules, so youre a nerd, i get it now. And you keep having this argument with no one or yourself. I DONT CARE WHAT HIS INTENTIONS ARE YOU LIBBY SHART. Dont bring it up again. Whats your problem him making money him helping people whilst making money or him doing it because hes pure evil for making money doing a good thing? Are you on the spectrum? Clouts not a real thing by the way unless youre 16. What if hes trying to make money for his dying mother? But like you said before your real problem is you think hes breaking the rules boo hoo boo boo, grow the fk up you nerdy nerd nerd

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  • Dude get to a hospital ASAP I think you are having a stroke on the keyboard.

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  • Good try. Done with you.

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