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6/23/2020 2:53:18 AM

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  • Reported them repeatedly Next week they are still there 🤔

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  • [quote]Reported them repeatedly Next week they are still there 🤔[/quote] Serious question. Why do you report them? What about it do you find so maddening that you MUST report them?

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  • When I first played vog I was carried, and was taught the mechanics. There was little frustration on my team, knowing soon I'd be a valuable member. That TEAM WORK, future raiders, philosophy is thin on the ground these days, as people want loot, not spending hrs in content watching the team wipe. Paid carries exploit the game, and the toxic elitist, "Must have Jelly-Horn", mentality. Because its hard enough getting into a raid with little experience as it is, even more so if you don't have the correct arsenal at your disposal. So that must push people, kids etc to spend cash on paid work. The whole system has huge room for improvement, starting from the top down - Bungie making guided games appealing, so new players can learn hard content and better their knowledge and experience. There'd be little need for toxic scum on lfg, grabbing money off inexperienced players if people cud jump on guided games. Isn't the game about players having satisfaction and the thrill of dropping that sweet loot themselves, after all, THEY paid for the game and its content, to enjoy themselves!

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  • Oh so you decided how the game should be played? How hilariously pedestrian of you. This has little to do with if it’s right or wrong. More how you perceive how the game should be, that’s cute.

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  • Thank you Can't say I have many people saying the things I do are cute. Shame there's not more out there like you x

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  • We should all reach to be viewed as puppies ❤️

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  • Bet you like your tummy tickled

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  • Sure do. But don’t touch my arm pits. 😤

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  • [quote]When I first played vog I was carried, and was taught the mechanics.[/quote] Me too. [quote]That TEAM WORK, future raiders, philosophy is thin on the ground these days, as people want loot, not spending hrs in content watching the team wipe.[/quote] It was also very much like this in D1. King's Fall was brutal on teamwork and it was almost always a wipe if someone died. Lack of patience did not start in D2. [quote]Paid carries exploit the game, and the toxic elitist, "Must have Jelly-Horn", mentality. Because its hard enough getting into a raid with little experience as it is, even more so if you don't have the correct arsenal at your disposal. So that must push people, kids etc to spend cash on paid work.[/quote] This is a false equivalent because the option to create your own LFG post was always there. Players who complained about the "must have Gjallarhorn" douches didn't really want to create their own post or fireteam. They wanted to be brought into an existing fireteam. Those players needed to take responsibility for their own shit, and just didn't want to. You know how I know that whole thing was overblown? I didn't have Gjallarhorn until Xur sold it right before TTK. Not having it NEVER prevented me from doing anything in D1. Never. Not once. Douches are going to douche. That's just the way it is. And I would argue that lazy people spend money on carries and it has nothing, or next to nothing, to do with elitist requiring certain gear in raids. [quote]The whole system has huge room for improvement, starting from the top down - Bungie making guided games appealing, so new players can learn hard content and better their knowledge and experience. There'd be little need for toxic scum on lfg, grabbing money off inexperienced players if people cud jump on guided games.[/quote] I don't really disagree here. [quote]Isn't the game about players having satisfaction and the thrill of dropping that sweet loot themselves, after all, THEY paid for the game and its content, to enjoy themselves![/quote] Technically, this game exists to help Bungo turn a profit. Technically, enjoyment should be the avenue by which profit is made. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be how Bungo sees it. Player bounty loops and the cash shop are all they care about.

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  • Shut up, Karen

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  • Bungie ain’t gonna do anything about it. They’re not in the business of benefitting the community

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  • Look out folks, we got us an internet tough guy over here...

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  • [quote]Look out folks, we got us an internet tough guy over here...[/quote] <---------------------------My sarcasm <-----------------------------Your head

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  • [quote] <---------------------------My sarcasm <-----------------------------Your head [/quote] <---------------------------Your attempt at sarcasm <---------------------------Your skill with sarcasm I can play this game too. :)

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  • So you support illegal activities 🤔 wonderful i now understand so much more

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  • [quote]So you support illegal activities 🤔 wonderful i now understand so much more[/quote] Absolutely, because all "illegal activities" are the same right? Because not giving a shit about paid carries must also mean I don't care about ACTUAL serious illegal activities. What's it like living in a black and white world?

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  • Sad just sad well I hope no one ever hurts you while doing one of the many illegal activities cause I know tons affected people daily

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  • [quote]Sad just sad well I hope no one ever hurts you while doing one of the many illegal activities [b]cause I know tons affected people daily[/b][/quote] Nobody even knows what the hell you're talking about anymore. You keep equating paid carries to actual crimes with actual victims. Stop white knighting and just admit that what you are actually mad about is the fact that hardcore PvP players are playing more often and making it more difficult for you to go flawless. Somebody paid to get carried for Recluse? Shock! Gasp! Horror! Nobody with a brain gives a shit.

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  • Somewhat fair. Although it’s hilariously obvious as you who earned and who paid

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  • [quote]Somewhat fair. Although it’s hilariously obvious as you who earned and who paid[/quote] I haven't paid for any "achievement" in this game because I'm an adult with a brain. I'm also in no position nor do I have any interest in telling people how to spend their money. I can and will judge people who appear to be spending their money recklessly, but nobody has any right to force them to act differently.

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  • Philosophical Jones to the rescue!! This guardian has no skill to speak of higher content play. Freakin strike master thinks he has this figured

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  • Did I ever say that? I didn’t accuse you. Just an observation. I kinda agree with you overall. Actually check that I have zero issue with those who pay. I think it’s scummy of those who offer paid services. But it’s a personal opinion. I do however take to task those I know who are ds at pvp and somehow have unbroken when I know they barely go even in quick play. It’s not about paying so much as it’s about running the seal when you can’t be bothered to be a better player 🤷‍♂️

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  • [quote]Did I ever say that? I didn’t accuse you. Just an observation. I kinda agree with you overall. Actually check that I have zero issue with those who pay. I think it’s scummy of those who offer paid services. But it’s a personal opinion. I do however take to task those I know who are ds at pvp and somehow have unbroken when I know they barely go even in quick play. It’s not about paying so much as it’s about running the seal when you can’t be bothered to be a better player 🤷‍♂️[/quote] I ain't mad at ya. I don't really buy into the "ruining the experience for other players" as their are lots of sweaty tryhards who play quickplay just to stomp weaker players. Those guys are also "ruining" experiences, they just do it for free. I don't really care about seals, either. I get that some do care, but I just can't muster the desire. It's an accomplishment in a video game. Paying and getting paid to carry someone is dumb and a waste of money. But so are lots of other things. People can spend their money how they like.

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