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6/25/2020 9:30:12 AM
I know this post is getting a little dated but I see a lot of toxic people down below accusing you of things you never said. As a multi-business owner you get used to this type of hate. A lot of people out there don’t understand. All humans have eyes yet some people read things differently. Some call your twitch link an ad, I call it an easy way for people to connect to you. I’ve made a post during last years summer event on how to complete armor objectives the most optimal way and had others chime in on different strategies. It got 1 on trending but people in the comments would say things like “you are what’s wrong with the game” or “this is why we have a content drought” My little tangent is meant to encourage you to not even respond to these haters cause you only fuel their flames. There is no need to defend yourself when you are helping the community. Stick to being a helpful guardian. That’s all Good day to you

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