I just got back into playing destiny and the iron banner was my go to event in destiny. Then I read that level advantages are enabled. That took all the fun out of a game mode I looked forward to. Now all I come up against are 1060s who out shoot me even though I took half of their health before they started shooting me, wheres the matchmaking for that. There is no skill gap in that game mode anymore, just an advantage for people who got too much time on this game.
In my Opinion we should Boycott all 6v6 playlist including Iron banner. If you want your pinnacle play elimination or comp they are SBMM. If enough of us quit playing, Bungie will take notice, and maybe make a change. What we need is a choice of either SBMM or CBMM. If you want SBMM back boycott crucible. Tell your friends to spead the word.