Hey everyone, just a lonely guardian here looking for a new home. [i]Haven't had any experiences with [b]raids[/b][/i], but really keen on doing some. Can stand my ground in [b]crucible[/b] and should be [b]fairly active[/b]. [b]Friendly[/b] and [b]helpful[/b].
Hi! Join our clan!! We are new ACTIVE clan if you need more information feel free to DM me! :3 https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4520390
the [url=https://www.bungie.net/de/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=4288462]212th Attack Battalion[/url] welcomes you.
https://discord.gg/XGjnqGK d2degenerates™ is a Destiny 2, clan neutral discord. Everything is catered for but our emphasis is raiding. 18+ and pc only. It does have a clan but it is completely optional and you don’t get penalised for not being in it. We teach any raid and post up noob friendly raids daily. Our aim is to create an inclusive discord that gives everyone a chance to raid, regardless of experience. We provide the teaching and the fire team, all you have to do is join up and join in.