The Rig: GTX 1080 (in 16x PCIe slot), 32 Gig DDR4 3600 mghz ram, Ryzen 7 3700X, MSI MPG X570 Gaming Pro MB, game installed on Seagate Baracuda Harddrive, Asus ROG 144 hz monitor at 1440 (all other monitors run off GTX 960)
The Experience: Game runs smoothly at 120-140 fps, but every 15-20 seconds will suddenly drop to 20 fps for 1-2 seconds, then jump back up to 120-140. This has only been an issue for the last 4/5 months and it's killing me.
What I've Tried: More like, "what HAVEN'T I tried!?". I have repaired the registry, downgraded settings to low, locked fps to 60, dropped to 1080 p, run on another graphics card, checked router settings, optimized Nvidia control panel settings, rebooted PC 200 times -- you name it, i've tried it. Please, someone just help me figure out what's going on?
besides what the others posted, look into a bios update for that ryzen. the 3000 series needed one awhile ago.