Last time I asked the question. How does the G2 not out class snipers? It's rather simple really, only the snipers can one shot. Even if you have an amped weapons, an amped wall, and get a head shot it still requires 2 shots. Snipers like the DMR and Double Take 2 shot to the body one shot to the head, the Kraber one shots no matter what, but has a low magazine and fire rate. It is harder to hit your shots but if you can it's worth it.
The SMGs are infamous for being OP, but they aren't, they're just the easiest for a noob to pick up and spray and pray. The Car is my personal favorite, a good at mid and short range and if you're skilled you can get kills at longer ranges, but you will always be out classed by rifle or LMG. The Alternator is a weird one, it's not quite good at short range because of it's slow rate of fire, but it out classes other SMGs at mid and longer ranges. The volt was at one point OP but it got nerfed and it works more like a different feeling Car. The R-97 is probably the worst SMG. It doesn't preform well at long ranges and mid, but it has an insane short range TTK. Only the Mastiff can out class it, or an EVA with a head shot.
The LMGs are all fun to use. They're much like the rifles, but suck at short range and are better at longer ranges. They do promote camping with A-wall and Pulse Blade, but if you're good with the mobility and greandes you can easily kill a camping A-wall. Stop complaining, I'm G4 and can kill a camping A-wall. The Spitfire is definitely the strongest, good at mid and longer ranges but it's almost laughable how bad the hip fire is. Don't even thinking about killing a player using a shotgun or SMG. The Devotion was once probably the best gun in the game. It's insane TTK is held back by a charge up, so endless you can jump around like Tiger you're not going to defeat a SMG or shotgun. The L-Star is just fun to use. Big red balls flying though the air. Weeeeeeeeeeee.
I wish my brother would let me play tf2