How can it be that bungie, when releasing Forsaken, just gave the people that bought it the first 2 DLC's for free without compensation? I have spent 40€ on Curse of Osiris and Warmind. I want that back. Now even more so considering they are *REMOVING* THE DLC's FROM THE GAME!!! I Didnt -blam!-ing Pay for Destiny 1 stuff so why does 90% of what made destiny 2's story a different one GET REMOVED? Why couldn't they just add another tab or something so that we could still enjoy our old DLC's? And the old story? I WANT MY MONEY BACK, I PAID FOR DESTINY 2 AND THEY ARE MAKING IT INTO DESTINY 1! Don't you think that it is absolutely Unacceptable that Bungie gets to REMOVE the things WE BOUGHT without giving any kind of -blam!-ing compensation? Like, At all? I don't want my money back for forsaken, I don't want it back for the base Game I would just like my money back for the 2 DLC's (warmind and CoO) that are literally being removed from the game. I would rather spend those 40€ on literally anything else than having it lost to a greedy, -blam!-ed up company that rips players off Left and Right.