I'm looking for a clan that fits me, and hoping there is one somewhere. I've been in a fair bit of false promising clans that say "we do this" yet i never am able to get in on it. My availability changes weekly, so I miss out on any planed things 98% of the time, and the times i am free nothing is going on and nobody wants to run anything. I tried making my own clan (couple actually) and they flopped. Even offered to give prizes to those that help other members out the most... again.. nothing happened with that. I'm not big on PvP, but will run it if bored. I have only ever gone flawless once, back in D1... Then never went again due to not willing to pay for it and risk getting scammed, again. Not big on gambit either, due to to many games played where i got horrid allies (longest loss streak was 11 games) Depending on the time of day determines if i can use my mic or not since other people live in the house. I enjoy playing the game with other people, and prefer to do so over playing at all. I have a character of all 3 classes, and each within a 1-5 power difference. I'll happily answer any questions anyone has. I'm on PS4.
I can not use discord due to my laptop crashing when i try, so clans that require discord are not for me.
I read your other postings for fireteams.. clearly you are active. Take a look and see if our clan is a good fit... Most of our clan have been with me since D1. Very active group. They are laid back. And we understand work and family. I have a couple open spots. Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2471673. Wish you all the best in your search Card9900