The world had it's golden age, the sprout of mechanical engineering marvels, new forms of sciences being discovered and refined as the time wore on, and Life lasting unnaturally longer the normal curve before the traveller.
Scrap had his own golden age, Summer held all of his greatest conflictions in his head and silenced them, he found his peace with its late nights stretched across the sky with hues of red and gold, travelled the rolling hills and lost himself to it.
His last memory of his old life, and first of his new, was losing her.
He hadn't known the woman he'd fallen for had other plans.
She was an informant, it wasn't clear to scrap who she worked for, but one day he found scrawls on a letter that didn't look human. When confronted the still non guardian was confronted by the cold end of a hand cannon.
He only had a brief moment to see her for the last time, part of him thought she didn't want to kill him, maybe it was just a job. In that moment he didn't move, he didn't beg, or cry, he was betrayed and he knew he was going to die. At least it was by the hand of someone he loved.
The trigger was pulled, clean shot and clean kill through and through. The female walked out of the cabin and placed a beacon, transmitting landing coordinates she waited on her extraction, while a ghost wiggled it's way through a half open door.
"Oooh this is fresh, and what? This is my guardian..rise and shine!"
He was back, but not the same, his soul was broken before his death, some pain is too powerful to forget. But it would get worse.
"Having outlived your contract to the Red legion and furthermore jeopardizing our plans of regional affaires you have been sentenced to death."
A cabal weapon discharged and scrap didn't even think. While metal was trying to get him up to speed he ran towards the door each step a torrent of thunderous arc light. In a single leap he closed the 30 foot gap, and with a flash of lightning and an ear shattering crash he dispersed the cabal. Not hurting the one he cares for.
He couldn't look at her, he had no idea who this woman was, or what she had to do with him. So he said all he could think of.
"I'm sorry for whatever caused this, if it was me well I guess I'm double sorry. I don't know who you are miss, something in me says I should be angry but, I'm gonna miss you for what it's worth. Goodbye Summer."
He walked into the forrest and asked his new robotic companion it's name.
"Metal huh? Well I'll be Scrap then!"
"Why may I ask is your name going to be scrap?"
"Scrap Metal!"
"Titans are only as dumb as their worst joke, and my friend that was horrible."
They talked for what seemed to be ages in themselves. Scrap needed to forget whatever hurt him so bad. The distraction was nice, and metal was more than happy to talk.
His Golden age was over, the dark age is coming
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