[spoiler]Lines in italic are telepathic communications between Durendal and Izuma[/spoiler]
It was a busy, rainy night at Blaze’s bar. Patrons came and went, spirits were raised and drunk, a fight or two sprung up and fizzled our here and there, all under the same roof. One wonders how that much alcohol can be stored in a single bar...
I had just entered and met up with my friend Dal. I tackled her like always, rolling under my wings to soften the impact, then helped to her feet as we grabbed our spots at the bar. We caught up, laughed and drank for a while, and all was good.
Until a hulking figure in red beskaar with a T-visor mask walked over.
[i]“Miss Izuma?” Asked Durendal. “I would recommend you be on your guard. I have identified the newcomer as none other than the weilder of Clarent, who is at his side. I cannot hide myself entirely from his detection, but I can try. It is up to you to play it cool and not antagonize him.” [/i]
Dal noticed I stopped talking for a moment, and asked if everything was alright. I told her it was fine, I had just been contacted telepathically by the hospital, and needed to make a call. The alibi worked, and she went off to chat with a friend. Just in case things got messy, I didn’t want her to be anywhere near this encounter.
[i]“Well, with my Amplify, I think we could take him. Cmon, what’s he got?”
“Clarent is in full control over what I can only presume is the body of one DrTitan. Several months ago, while Tilman wielded me, Titan absolutely trashed Til with Clare. His dueling skills are incredible, and it is in our best interests not to engage him. Nevertheless, be ready.” [/i]
I put my free hand on the hilt, and held my drink in the other. I chuckled softly and sipped.
[i]“I think I’ve heard the name Titan thrown around some. He’s a mercenary, right?”
“Order records do indicate that. Eyes up, he’s coming this way.” [/i]
I took another sip of the Brandy, and waited till he reached the bar. Up close, his red armor was covered in dents and scratches, and several weapons-including a stone sword-were hung around him. A walking, talking pillar of death, I thought.
“Hello,” said the figure.
I reached out my free hand to shake his, and returned the greeting.
“Bonjour! I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Izuma.”
He took my hand, and his battle worn gloves felt warm to the touch. For a half fire seraph to feel heat like that? Well…
He introduced himself as “Mordred”, and Durendal quickly informed me.
[i]“Miss Izuma, if that is somehow the actual Mordred, you need an escape plan immediately. Mordred conquered several planes of the abyss wielding Clarent, and he will conquer you too.”
“Oh? That’s not… good… but I have my coin in my pocket. I think I can grab it in time.”
“Very well.” [/i]
Terrified underneath, I managed to play it cool on the outside.
“Nice to meet you, Mordred! What are you doing in these parts?”
“This and that. No specific plans,” he responded, unmoving behind that dark visor.
“That’s cool, I like to be as free as the wind myself.”
I took a sip to calm my nerves, and asked if he wanted a drink. Mordred wasn’t very thirsty or hungry, it turned out. He had eaten before meeting me, and recommended Blaze’s steak. I promised I’d give it a try, and took another shot.
Mordred shifted awkwardly from one foot to another, his hulking frame probably uncomfortable for the new owner, Durendal presumed.
“So... my sword buddy here told me that one of his sword buddies was somewhere over here. You know anything about that?" He asked.
[i]“Deny everything,” recommended Durendal. [/i]
“A sword-buddy?” I asked, playing innocent.
He tensed slightly, and I worried a duel would start this soon.
“Kinda. He’s not super close to me, he’s closer to the other guy.”
[i]“Well, he knows Joyeuse,” Durendal chimed in. “Do you want me to take control?”
“No, I’ll take this one,” I told D. [/i]
I kept my hand on his hilt, and shifted to face Mordred.
“I don’t think I understand. Could you expound any on this sword?” I asked.
"I don't really know too much about him. Umm... I think his name is Clarent?" Responded Mordred.
[i]“You played dumb, he played dumber. Somethings not right in that helmet of his,” said Durendal.
“Then let’s see if he really knows,” I said. [/i]
“Clarent? That would be the sword of fire? I’ve heard of him, never had a chance to see him though.”
“Yeah, that's him.”
“An interesting blade. Wielded by some rather… less noble… persons at times, but one of the best.”
“Not good, Miss Izuma,” said D.
“Hey, I’m not used to lying, ok?” [/i]
“Yeah… remind me, who was one of the best?” Asked Mordred.
[i]“You can catch up with miss Dislay another time,” urged D. “You need to get out of here.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll cover and head to the hospital,” I answered. [/i]
"Well, to be quite honest I'm not well versed with Clarent's history. There must be a reason it earned the name the Coward's Blade, but I'm no historian. Terribly sorry to leave you like this Mr Mordred, but I've gotta get to work. Au revoir, mon frère"
I finished my glass and headed to the door, while Durendal watched my back. Mordred waved and walked back to his table, Clarent still at his side.
[i]“Why did you say goodbye to Clare?”
“He’s still my brother, I’m afraid. I owe him a cryptic nod at least. Besides, Clare may very well have forgotten Ignan all together!” [/i]
We chuckled and walked out under the cloudy night sky.
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