What do you think? I was hoping there would be an option to revert back to white glows after buying the elemental glows, but since there's not, I may not purchase them...
Just because I can be that ASS, but, I don't think we can call is a white glow.. seems somehow it could be considered racist. perhaps the absence of color glow would be better. Also. while we are at it.. shouldn't we then have an all color glow to match.. seeing how the world is hell bent on inclusion and certain lives mattering.. sorry.. just had to. And having the ability to put what ever glow you want on your armour should def be a thing.
Elemental glows look better as sets, white glow looks better with other sets (specifically the GoS set)
Where’s my ominous Smokey black glow or even bright hot pink? They bring those two and we’ll talk! 😂
The glows in general are too muted.