We would love to have you Rusty. Great & helpful community that maxed out our clan level in less than a month. Our info: Welcome Guardians! Darkness has shown us the true path. We are not to be burdened by The Traveler and its constant deceptions. The city is tired of succumbing to fear, weak leadership and recurrent betrayals. We embrace the potential and power of the ancient practices. And reject weakness brought by the light. FATHERS OF DARKNESS is associated with the awesome Dads Of Destiny community, and it is its 2nd NA clan. We just ask for you to be a mature Guardian over 18 yrs old. Our members need to be active and contribute, we expect cooperation and engagement both in Discord and in game. We DO NOT tolerate bullying against fellow clan members. EVERYONE is welcome! REQUIRED: To be considered for membership, please join our Clan Discord: https://discord.gg/5ZdgzhF This is mandatory. STEAM Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/PATRESDEOBSCURUM Dads Of Destiny website: https://dadsofdestiny.org/ Dads Of Destiny:https://discord.com/invite/dadsofdestiny