In the waning days of the Apocalypse, the Witch Queen performed a ritual and great beam of light shattered the tallest mountain peak. The beam pierced a hole through reality and steadily grew as a massive horror watched and waited on the other side. It also sent occasional pulses of negative energy throughout the land that interfered with magic and technology, and siphoned energy from the living.
Deep within the mountain, the Dwarven Paladin Benaiah shattered the Witch's Orb, putting an end to the ritual. The portal closed and the mountain collapsed around him, but his sacrifice gave the heroes of Offtopic the opportunity to defeat the Witch Queen.
However, pockets of negative energy still linger in the areas surrounding the mountains, making travel difficult and having strange effects on flora, fauna, and the local inhabitants. This area is known as the Witchscar, and at it's edge, along an abandoned road deep within the woods, is where our journey begins...
[spoiler]Oh, you thought this would begin at my mansion? You fool! Also the Witchscar has totally existed since last Christmas... It's an adventure, just go with it!
Anyway, I'm gonna do stuffs differently this time around.
Firstly, I'm not setting aside a few hours to run things and shutting it all down after the fact. I'm gonna do that "respond as I can" thing and try to get everyone to the end. So feel free to ping me if I don't respond after awhile, but also don't ping me every 5 minutes. Bear with me, I'm juggling cats here!
Secondly, I use dice and 5e D&D stuffs so if you use them too, neat! If not, don't worry about it, I got little templates built for determining things like if you hit or get hit and a list of damage types, all based on descriptions of your things! Also hey, please describe your things.
Thirdly! I mostly planned for lone adventurers, but if you wanna run with a few others that's cool too. I'm adaptable.
I think that's all...I put far too much effort into this, hope everyone has fun![/spoiler]
[spoiler] Don't really know if I'll get to do any of this, cause of things going on, but it's a good way to introduce my character.[/spoiler] *A light rumbling is heard, as a cloud forms.* Poof A figure in a ratty gray robe appears. I whip back my hood, revealing an older man with a long beard. "Hello ladies. Ummm ladies? Damn, this isn't single ladies night at Blaze's Bar. Must have been that left turn at Albuquerque." *Looks around, notices riff.* "Well that's interesting." *Snaps fingers* Some fallen branches whip themselves up into a chair. *Sits down* "Well I am just a watcher, so let's see what happens."