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9/7/2020 11:31:40 PM

The Story of Saitonia 3rd Arc: Episode 41 (113): Objective: Thin Terranova's Army (scroll all the way down for the question relating to the poll)

Yes, Van should save her. She could have something special.


No, Van shouldn't save her. He knows and is traumatized by what she's done to him.


(Back with the fight against Dr. Titan, Ronin, Hammer, Rex, and Adidas) *Warlock twirls his wand, firing blue fire at the Tyrant, but it absorbs the energy and fires right back at him from it's mouth. Warlock leaps out of the way. The Tyrant then runs towards Warlock, but it slightly turns it's body so that Rex takes a swing with his flaming greatsword, Warlock jumps back in the knick of time, but Rex quickly turns the Tyrant around and it smacks Warlock with it's tail, sending him about 16 feet away. As Warlock slowly starts to get up, Adidas rushes him, lightning charging from his hands, [b]Cmirg[/b] swoops in and grabs Adidas by his face, and throws him into a nearby building.* *Titan in his new dragon-humanoid form breathes green fire at Bop and [b]Rezyl[/b], the 2 jump out of range quick and Bop lunges back at Titan and fires dark energy, hitting Titan in the chest, dealing some damage.* [b]Dr. Titan:[/b] Graahh! That won't do anything! *Titan charges up, then a gooey green aura bursts and forms around his body.* _______________________________________ [b][u]*Cliche-ass opening theme plays*[/u][/b] _______________________________________ *Hammer swings at [b]Rezyl[/b], he manages to dodge and fire a magenta circle at Hammer, which then activates an ability where it shows holograms of Hammer's next attacks; which are a left swing and a downward smash. Hammer does those specific actions, in which [b]Rezyl[/b] dodges to the right, jumps up and fires a strong yellow energy blast at Hammer, hitting and pushing him 10 feet back.* *[b]Cmirg[/b] freezes Ronin, preventing him from making another attack. This doesn't go well for [b]Cmirg[/b] as Ronin breaks free and impales him in the stomach, dashes to the left, and strikes him in the back with both katanas, making [b]Cmirg[/b] fall to the ground. Driz jumps in with his longsword and the 2 clash. 11 seconds later, Driz counters a swing from Ronin, and fires 4 shots into his stomach, partially managing to crack the aura.* *Toaster jumps back from the Tyrant. He then lets his hand out, a metal crate forms in the air and drops on the Tyrant's head. Unfortunately, it wasn't very effective. In a rage, the Tyrant jumps 25 feet up in the air and attempts to land on Toaster, but luckily jumps out of the way, at a cost of getting hit by a shockwave that sends him crashing into Adidas. As the 2 get up and fight, Toaster shoots a beam of sauce at him, sending him flying into some rubble. Adidas quickly recovers as Toaster readies another attack, jumps at him, kicks him in the head, then blasts him away.* *Cell spots Toaster about to crash into him, and catches him safely, and carefully sets him down. The 2 then duck a flame blast from Titan. Toaster blocks Titan's sudden bo staff attack a second later using his forearms, but Titan adjusts the tip of the staff to Toaster's forearms, then a blade sticks out, stabbing through his android forearms. He then breaths fire at his face, making him move back while blinded. As Titan rushes him again, Toaster summons another metal crate, and it drops on Titan. Cell jumps in and fires rockets down at Titan, all hitting and dealing tremendous damage. Suddenly, Toaster gets smacked away by the Tyrant.* [b]Rex:[/b] Hehehehe...*emits a more intense flame from his greatsword* *The Tyrant runs to Toaster and picks him up by it's teeth. Toaster struggles to free himself, he then see an orange glow in the Tyrant's throat. A blast hits the mechanical dino, as it turns to the one that was responsible; Bop, and starts running towards him. The Tyrant attempts to hit Bop with it's tail, Bop manages to duck, making the Tyrant smack a building, breaking a decent portion of it. Bop then jumps to Rex and they clash swords. 6 seconds later, they come to a struggle. Rex breaks it and swings again, Bop blocks it, at the cost of knocking him off the Tyrant.* *Toaster frantically hits the Tyrant multiple times, even shooting it's face with disintegrating sauce, but it's futile. The Tyrant bites down on Toaster, crushing his body parts, then manages to swallow him. A fire beam exits it's mouth and then spits out Toaster's head at Ring's feet.* [b]Ring:[/b] *looking at Toaster's severed head, eyes completely colorless* What the hell?! They got Toaster! [b]Pyrus:[/b] *heard what Ring said* Damnit! *[b]Pyrus[/b] smacks Adidas' hand away with his rifle and shoots him in the chest.* _______________________________________ (Back with the fight between the noblemen hunters and [b]Terranova's[/b] army) *[b]Tarano[/b] senses an attack coming from behind him while he's fighting a minion. He rolls diagonally from the attack and fires energy at the minion that was behind him, hitting the minion. He then impales the minion next to him.* *One large nobleman hunter starts unloading rounds from his minigun, managing to gun down a squad of minions 12 feet in front of him. The nobleman hunter then gets sent flying from an uppercut by a clawed brute. The brute then sets it's eyes on [b]Triapika[/b]. She spots the brute running towards her, and rolls under it's first swing, only to get grabbed one-handed, and smashed into the ground, cracking her mask. The brute then lifts her off the ground and she starts stabbing it's chest, barely doing anything. 4 seconds later, the brute gets blasted away by a grenade, dropping [b]Triapika[/b]. She turns to her left to see [b]Irenade[/b], aiming the grenade launcher in her vicinity.* [b]Irenade:[/b] There's more of those ravaging brutes. *helps Tria up* [b]Triapika:[/b] Thanks... *Another brute jumps down on the 2, but they jump out the way in time, making the brute crack the bridge even more, slanting it.* *[b]Izalles[/b] fires at a brute running towards her. She then rolls a round device at the brute and it explodes when it has gotten near it, knocking it away a few meters.* _______________________________________ ([b]Terranova[/b] is high in the sky, looking down at the chaos.) [b]Terranova:[/b] Scorpion King! *Scorpion King appears to his left.* [b]Terranova:[/b] Rid the rest of them. *Scorpion King roars and starts flying down towards the cities.* _______________________________________ (As Sai's group are headed to a summoning circle, they can hear Scorpion King's roar throughout the skies. They all turn around.) [b]Avionia:[/b] I haven't heard that roar since the olden times. [b]Saitonia:[/b] You've encountered that thing too?! [b]Ainoiva:[/b] Indeed. *Blue energy swirls around the [b]exterminator[/b] twins as they prepare to fight.* [b]Avionia:[/b] You head down those depths, we'll [b]exterminate[/b] [b]Terranova's[/b] pet beast. [b]Vandren:[/b] Mind if I help out? [b]Anna:[/b] *while picking up [b]Alimus[/b]* Me too. [b]Ainoiva:[/b] We might need some assistance. Sure. Perhaps you are too scared to enter even more macabre depths. [b]Kavita:[/b] I can see that from Van. [b]Vandren:[/b] Fighting some dragon thing is equally scary, but having the law against you when you're innocent is the scariest. [b]Avionia:[/b] Hehehe. Let's go! *The 4 run towards Scorpion King while the rest head to the summoning circle.* ______________________________________ (Noblemen hunters vs. [b]Terranova's[/b] army) *[b]Tarano[/b] hits the ground with his staff, sending out a shockwave of yellow energy that blows the minions within the vicinity away. He swiftly evades an oncoming minion attack and slits it's throat.* *[b]Izalles[/b] rolls under a minion's attack, transforms her AR into a blade, and impales the minion in the chest, killing it. A brute attempts to leap on her, but she jumps back and distances herself.* *A brute is sent flying out of the citadel. Then [b]The Monarch[/b] emerges, impaling the brute, lifts it up still impaled by the sword, and then zooms down and lands on the end of the bridge, sending a shockwave and alerting everyone in the battle. [b]The Monarch[/b] then takes the sword out of the dead brute and looks at everyone.* [b]Nobleman Hunter:[/b]'re here. [b]The Monarch:[/b] Had to take care of a few invaders. The rest seem to lead here as expected. Noblemen! Attack! [b][i]*Continuing Below*[/i][/b]

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  • Edited by DarkEraser: 9/8/2020 2:10:45 AM
    [b][i]*Continued Below*[/i][/b] (The [b]exterminator[/b] twins, Van, and Anna make it back to [b]Sakrisen[/b].) *As soon as the Scorpion King flies close enough into the city, the twins leaps very high up into the sky and get on the King's back. He wiggles and flaps his wings frantically to try and get them off him, but they summon energy blades and start cutting into him. Scorpion King starts flying through multiple buildings in [b]Sakrisen[/b] and [b]Dyphinix[/b] while firing toxic fireballs down into the districts.* [b]Ainoiva:[/b] *laughs* We got this beast in a panic. *The 2 see his tail raise up and starts heading towards [b]Avionia[/b], who then jumps out the way.* _______________________________________ (Fight against Dr. Titan, Ronin, Hammer, Rex, and Adidas) *[b]Pyrus[/b] gets sent to the ground by an attack from Ronin. He slowly makes his way up.* [b]Pyrus:[/b] *pulls out a potion in a tiny capsule and drinks it entirely* This might help a bit. *[b]Pyrus[/b] regains some of his strength from the potion and fires his dual blasters at Ronin, dealing some damage to his aura shield. [b]Cmirg[/b] swoops in from behind and freezes him, then sends down a huge ball of dark energy, unfreezing Ronin, sending him flying, but most importantly, breaking his shield.* *Warlock activates a spell in which 6 dark swords rains down on a staggered Adidas, knocking him down. Warlock then walks up to him and activates a spell that sends lightning down and shocks Adidas intensely.* [b]Adidas:[/b] You..[b]a[/b]sshole! You're gonna- gaaaahhhhhhhh! Use my own ability against me- tch-AHHHHHHHHHH! *[b]Cmirg[/b] drops down and stomps on Adidas' face multiple times, also cracking the ground. He unleashes 1 final stomp, right leg fueled by energy, finally killing Adidas.* [b]Ring:[/b] *seeing that Adidas has been taken out and turns to Titan* You kill one of us, we kill one of you. That won't matter because the rest of you are dead as well. *Titan fires a fireball from his mouth. Ring ducks under, but then gets his neck grabbed. Titan throws him in the air, and just before he lands, Titan impales him with his staff, then thrusts it deeper, making blood squirt profusely. Ring collapses. Titan walks towards Ring, who's taking short, raspy breaths. Titan then gets stabbed in the back by Driz, then Cell jumps in and fires rockets down on him, knocking him back. Driz helps Ring up while Cell walks to Titan, who's now on his knees.* [b]Cell:[/b] *reveals his red core as his eyes glow red* *[b]Cmirg[/b] teleports behind Titan, ready to snap his neck, but instead just chokes him.* [b]Cmirg:[/b] Cell, save your core blast for Ronin. *Titan struggles to free himself from [b]Cmirg[/b]'s grasp, leading Cell to shooting him in the chest twice with his shotgun, and 3 times in the head. He transforms his shotgun into a blade and stabs Titan in the brain. This time, [b]Cmirg[/b] lets go and Titan drops to the ground, motionless. Cell transforms his blade back into a shotgun and fires 3 more shots, literally overkill on Titan.* *Bop jumps over Hammer and stabs him in the neck and fires dark energy. Hammer swings at Bop, who rolls under, lets 1 hand go, and grabs Bop and throws him into a car. He turns to his left, about 40 meters away to see the army marching through.* [b]Hammer:[/b] *lowly* F[b]u[/b]ck. *Ring shoots Hammer in the chest, then the bullet explodes, staggering him. [b]Rezyl[/b] slashes Hammer in the back with his energy. Bop jumps back in and starts clawing into his neck. Hammer is dropped to 1 knee. The Tyrant runs in and swings it's tail at the 3. They jump back and the tail ends up hitting Hammer, knocking him away. [b]Rezyl[/b] runs to the downed Hammer, fires a magenta circle at his cranium, then twitches his right hand, setting off an energy explosion within Hammer's body. He has been eliminated.* *Driz jumps up to the Tyrant, Rex still mounted on it. He then kicks Rex off the Tyrant, and holds the sword to his neck. Driz looks up to see the army, 10 feet away.* [b]Katolis Soldier:[/b] More crooks we see. They're ours now. *Driz backs away and lets Rex gets bombarded by gunfire and melee weapon attacks. He looks up to see an S.S. ship setting down. The General, his squad, and random members exit and approach the fight.* [b]General:[/b] *sees that Ronin is the only one standing* That samurai -blam!- is still alive. Team, let's destroy that mech dino! *As random S.S. members place detonators on the immobile Tyrant, General walks to Ronin, who has then got blasted by Cell's powerful core blast, and fires shells into his back, making him drop to both knees.* _______________________________________ (Another part of [b]Sakrisen[/b], Van runs by a pile of rubble, but stops due to a voice.) [b]???:[/b] *from the rubble* [b]Vandren[/b]? *Van looks down to see [b]Asako[/b], struggling to free herself.* [b]Asako:[/b] Tommy, [b]Vandren[/b], *nervous laughter* it didn't feel too long ago since my return back to [b]Saitranovia[/b]. [b]Vandren:[/b] It was that one time, [b]Asako[/b], ONE TIME. Actually, Rose told me you wanted vengeance. [b]Asako:[/b] Actually no! No no no! Look, this building is in green flames and I don't want to get swallowed up! I apologize for how I got you arrested, okay! That was the old me, okay?! Please...pull me out of this rubble, and perhaps we can reconcile. *Van looks down at her for several seconds, indecisive. [b][u][To be continued....][/u][/b] _______________________________________ [b][u]END:[/u][/b] If you've read the episode that features a portion of Van's past, should he save [b]Asako[/b]? (Arc 3, Episode 29 for details) [spoiler][b]Erased....[/b][/spoiler]

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